
Thursday, April 13, 2006

So what is Abundant Hope?

Abundant Hope Christian Center is a very small church in Downey, Ca. For almost 19 years, I pastored it as Living Hope. Living Hope and Abundant Hope stand for that hope that only Jesus Christ can give to humanity. The hope= the chance for eternal forgiveness, eternal salvation, eternal life with those who have followed the One Eternal God, Creator and Savior of the entire univers, Jesus Christ. Yet, right here on earth, that God promised abundant life too. That doesn't mean a life without pain, frustration, evil, hurts, ups and downs. It does mean that within all those horrors, a follower of Jesus can stand withing the hurricane, tornado, tsunami of life's distress. A young pastor, his wife who sings like a bird, is trying to move into our community with this hope and life. I stick around to support them and the congregation that I have loved for all those years. But, my time is almost over. Not because of any real personal horror but the new pastor needs to see just what running a church, expanding a fellowship, making decisions, paying the bills, meeting the community all by himself. He will be able to do it and this Sunday, he and his wife and others are actually presenting an old fashioned Easter cantata. Recently I fractured my lumbar area of my back. I feel and walk like old man Mose. But, I really want to see , hear, pray, and worship while rejoicing at our Easter service. I sure hope others will come to our church on Easter. But, if they go to other churches, PTL. We need a march of believers to overwhelm all those marchers this week for something illegal, immigration. We need Christian marchers going to celebrate Jesus' resurrection with greater numbers than all those fanatical Islamofacists who are bombing innocent women, kids and civilians. This is the time to go to church to show pagans, non-believers, Islamofacists, crooks, and all evil-doers that an act done over 2000 years ago still holds more loyalty than any fad, the latest ism or ideology that our world can throw up against God's abundant and living hope!!


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