
Monday, August 21, 2006


In the Bible, John 13 shows that Jesus understood the betrayal of Judas and the idea that one is either for Him or against Him. There is no middle ground. The statements of former Presidents on America's war on Islamofascist terror looks suspiciously like betrayal . Of course, none dare call it treason. In our personal lives, betrayal probably has happened more than once. Hypocrisy is one such betrayal. It can occur in our so-called religiosity that replaces a real born again experience and relationship with Jesus Christ, the Creator God of the Universe as well as in national and international relations. Betrayal is an ugly word and concept. When a duo of American Presidents on foreign soil undermines the culture, military, plans, agendas of capitalistic democracy as America fights Islamofascism, betrayal comes to mind. Jesus must have been in great pain with Judas' betrayal. He feels the same when we who call ourselves Christians betray Him, He is in great pain. When our nation which is fighting a war of survival against a demonic and clever , evil enemy, Islamofascism is attacked by Americans who should know better, betrayal is painful to our national psyche. Eventually, it could do the same thing as Quisling did to Norway in WWII. Fifth columnists and so-called 'useful idiots' undermined Norway for a Nazi take-over. Let us pray that betrayal in speeches from certain politicians here there and everywhere do not add up to a Fifth Column as America fights a global war that will last for decades against Islamofascism.


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