Evil sin, lust, murder of 6yr. old
Can anybody not admit that sin , evil ,lust prevails in this world today? Are so many people, usually liberals, in denial that humanity is not satiated with sin, lust, evil ,murder that we just go ho hum, another murder of a 6 year old girl? Since we are dead bang against the 10 Commandments , the Bible and any reference to Christianity in our nation and around the world, that murder is no longer a horrifying thing unless, it is of course, against Muslim murderers?? Israel is the real sinner, huh? The USA is the real enemy, huh? A teacher from the Bay Area, working in Thailand , has finally confessed his murder of Jon Benet Ramsey, that gorgeous 6 year old who looked like a model. Lust, sin, murder. Want to be that someone will give an excuse for this horrid affair? Want to bet that someone will say that perhaps if Karr had used porn, he would not have done this to Jon Benet? Want to bet that some liberals will explain that it was George Bush who forced Karr to do this? Denial of personal sin and responsibility seems to be the theory of our nation nowadays. Churches, Christians, Jesus are dismissed as old fashioned and out of touch. Please ask a liberal, an atheist , then just what FORCED Karr to kill this little innocent. Could it be sin as the Bible says it is. You bet it is. And the answer to sin occured 2,000 years ago and it was not Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, or atheism. It was the ministry, sacrifice, death, and resurrection of the God-Man, Jesus Christ. Still, this murder of Jon Benet, like the Holocaust, WWII, and this blood-taking of the Islamofascists is a depressingly evil reminder of just how sin still takes its toll on God's Creation.
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