
Wednesday, August 09, 2006


The Bible in the OT especially, writes and states a lot on hospitality. Makes one wonder how writers then would have viewed, say, illegal immigration and the 11 Egyptians that mysteriously have disappeared into the American hinterlands over the last few days!? Frankly, the NT also talks , writes about government being the agent of good, law, and responsibility. I would love that to be true today in 2006. Our Federal government should have laws protecting its citizens from illegal immigrants, broken borders, people killing those immigrants in overloaded cars and trucks, and packing them into rooms with 20 or more people. Also, our Federal government should end all Politically Correct procedures and begin racial profiling of ALL MIDDLE EASTERNERS. All Muslims from there should be immediately forbidden to enter our nation. If they are diplomats, they must have forged proof indentification tags as well as should any immigrants that stop in our airports, ports, et al. This may not be very hospitiable but Americans seem to be easy targets in the ME nowadays. And ME people seem to be the cause of at least 95% of all terrorist activities. Hospitality is a marvelous characteristic. It is too bad that some people acting like barbarians have put our 21st Century society in a postion of being justifiably suspicious of any visitors to our beautiful and fair and gracious nation. It will be interesting to see if Iran and Syria's Islamofascists cause even more trouble for the world so that hospitality to any of their citizens will have to be ended also.


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