
Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sin, Jesus, politics, Boyd

The latest news is that a Rev. Boyd wants all Christian conservatives who are Evangelical to go back into the closet. Don't you dare get involved in politics you bad conservative Christian. No, let that to the liberal Christians who go to every black, Hispanic, gay, community , union-town church just about a week before every election! The double standard is appalling. This Rev. Boyd seems to also think that the nation's past is not really Christian and therefore social service should replace the First Amendment rights for conservative Christians because those types actually think our nation was conceived in religious freedom under the blessings of the Biblical God. So did Governor Bradford. So did the Mayflower Compact adherents. One thing that might be missing from one of Rev. Boyd's sermons is the concept of personal sin which God dealt with 2000 years ago with the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By the way, 1,000 congregants walked out of his church when he offered his opinion. Liberal Christians going under the guise of whatever label they can conjure up can always give and take as long as they don't have to play by the rules they themselves set up. Charles Colson has written a nice response to Boyd. Back to sin. Many churches today forget the bad and the good news of the Gospel. The bad news is that human beings are sinners from the start and that our Creator wants to fellowship with people whose spirits are like His. So he allowed Jesus to reconcile that horrid separation caused by human sin with His own blood sacrifice. People willing to admit their sin, their need for a substitute, their need to change can turn to said Jesus and be forgiven. What good news. Still, in today's modern churches, many churches are leaving out sin just as the good Rev. Boyd leaves out the right to participate in politics, voting, letter writing, and working for a party who the participant thinks matches the ideology and the MORALS, THE STANDARDS of that individual. I'll bet my beautiful cat Puff, that Boyd wouldn't mind liberals participating in politics nor would he object if that pesky attitude of repentance and salvation would be dropped from church liturgy. Just my opinion, of course!!


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