
Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 memory

Of all people, those of the Judeo-Christian persuasion should make sure they thank God that we have not been hit again by our thuggish enemy, the Islamofascists. We ought to thank God that George W. Bush has been our President this whole time since he has been the pillar of solidity against those who would have us give up the war, cut and run, surrender to the Islamofascists. If anyone doubts that we are in WWIII, I pray all Americans watched ABC's Pathway to 9/11. When people do not take seriously the threats of dictators, killers, ideologues and madmen, we in America are going to suffer. We never believed Hitler. We never believed Lenin, Trotsky or Stalin or even Mao. Yet they all hated American democracy, capitalism, freedom, liberty and we finally had to face them. For many years, we have ignored the hate and threats of the Islamofascists. There are people today in politics, religion, education who want to say this is just a law and order problem. No problem but our own foreign policy goals and our military and our President. Just love and talk to these Islamofascists and all will be well. What nonsense. The only way to get victory over these Islamofascists is to overcome them , kill them, win a long battle over decades over them. Sure, I would love all of these thugs to become Christians. That is not going to happen. Loving them will do nothing in defeating them. Like sin, evil and iniquity, the only way to defeat those 3 things is to stop them cold. God overcame evil, sin and iniquity with the sacrifice of Jesus. Too bad that the Islamofascists did not accept this and believe it. But, they did not. Now we are faced with evil that must be destroyed. Period. Christians will have to realize that this is a war for our very culture. Until they do, unity against these murderers will not happen.


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