Revival, renewal, war, conversion
Thinking about what I will teach about in college this Fall, and also in an Adult Sunday School class, one is struck with the overwhelming amount of material in the media about appeasement, WWIII, the End Days, Revival, Renewal, ways to defeat Islamofascism, global disasters and an ongoing attack against Christianity and now the Judeo-Christian worldview via Israel and the Middle East along with media hatred. Wow! I don't know if this is tongue in cheek or not but here goes. 1. I would love to see a real revival of the Christian church in America first, then round the world via the Biblical view not the secular view. 2. I would love to see renewal , that is Christian conversion of many hurting people around America, the Middle East, especially Muslim nations as well as so-called sophisticated liberal societies. 3. I would love to see Islamofascism completely destroyed not only by God but by His use of our military and others to give the people of the ME a new way to look at life as well as freedom and liberty. 4. I would love to see secular humanists, leftists of all stripes be brought to a view of Jesus and the Bible that would convert them to change all levels of life around the globe; education, culture, economics, government, et al. I await Jesus' Second Coming to really put this into effect. Yep, I do believe in His Coming again , if not by a Rapture scenario, but through His power to set up a Kingdom right here on Earth. And I know that the PC leftists hate this but what if I and 2,000 years of Christian theology are correct?! Would not eternal life be worth the changing of minds and motivations as well as actions? It would be hopeful for all people. After all, the alternative seems to be a world filled with Muslim hate, war, social and cultural divisions and hopelessness. As September starts, this agenda is really my prayer. Do you agree?
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