
Friday, September 15, 2006

Religious views on the news

What an amazing thing again has happened. The Muslim world per usual went crazy over Pope Benedict's historical view that since the 7th Century, Islam has eerily been involved in war after war after war filled with violence and beheadings. Sound familiar? Then at the University of Virginia, a leftist student newspaper put a cartoon with Mary Mary of Jesus having a social disease. Can you imagine if they had printed those Danish cartoons of Mohammed? But, no Christians are burning buildings or beheading babies or plantind IED's. However, Muslims are raging against the Pope by burning him in effigy. I will bet within a week some Catholic buildings or people will be attacked. It is the Muslim way! Attacks on Christians are an every-day affair. We are the most un-PC group there is according to society so it is a free for all on Christians. If a politician is a Christian, he is blasted by Rosie on The View. But, if a Muslim wins a House seat as in Minnesota with Keith Ellison, boy is there hoorays all over the place and not one peep from the media that he is a militant!! No wonder so many Christians are waiting for Jesus' return.


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