
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The days of our lives

Since I last blogged, the President's Poll numbers have collapsed. Able-Danger has been exposed. Cindy Sheehan has been exposed. Bill Clinton thinks he could have and would have killed Bin Laden if he were President. Forgetting that , he of course, had the opportunity and blew it. Democrats have found that there will be 70 Senate votes for Judge Roberts. Oh the agony. So now they will tell us what they really think in his hearings and the world awaits breathlessly. Two of our church saints has cancer; again. The football , baseball, hockey and basketball seasons are all converging again. ID vs. Darwinian whatever is spring forth in academic and political debate in serious means and controversy. Even the President made a statement. The NY Times and Wash. Post lied again about the war in Iraq. They do this quite frequently and along with the other MSM, are driving a wedge in support for the war against Islamofacism because deaths on our side have occured. It never seems to faze them that this is a real war. It really is a confused, sad, yet hopeful time in the world. But, one wonders if it would be more hopeful if our own people, institutions, churches, and traditions would once again stop undermining our own Judeo-Christian Civilization. I think so but my views are being challenged on a global effort to erase Western Civilization and its contributions. Fewer, it seems are willing to stand for that Civilization since we are accused of being so old fashioned, intolerant, and hateful. Actually that sounds more like our two enemies, Leftist Secularism and Islamofascism!!!


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