Hate vs. an agenda for our nation
Rick Santorum today mentions that Godly people gave more aid, time, talent, and treasure to aid the victims of Katrina and Rita and that it was more effective than government aid. The military did the best job of saving people. No wonder the President will call on the military first in the case of another natural disaster. One wonders how the Democrat incompetents in La got away without being asked questions on how they first responded and how the Congress simply accepted Blanco's views and call for billions. Odd to that hate in the media and from the Leftist Democrat leadership which now runs the entire Party continues to spread lies, hate and bile on websites, media outlet allies, and now with Ronnie Earle's silly indictment of the Hammer, Tom DeLay. One wonders how a political party which doesn't support a Godly nation, panders to gays, illegal immigrants, and anti-American-anti-war protestors and continues to blast Bush, Laura, GOP leaders with vile commentary like Charlie Rangel, Howard Dean and The Nation with immoral statements can bring to the public an agenda of hate but no issues , no policies, no plans for domestic and international security and progress and expect to be elected. Perhaps the media will continue to ally with them and try to bring down all conservatives, Christians, Gopers with charges of corruption, war-making, anti-poor propaganda and pure evil! Now if the public buys all this hate, Dems will have won the battle to lower the dignity and morality of the political process. Of course, it will help if the GOP starts to restate its agenda of lower taxes, pursuing the war against Islamofascism, cutting federal spending, reforming the UN, SS, and Medicare and other domestic wasteful programs which they themselves are unfortunately propping up. When that happens , if it does, the Dems hate filled charges will lose and the Gop agenda will win. Of course, it has to happen and no one knows whether it will. Bush nominating a real conservative to replace Sandra Day will be a good start.
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