
Monday, September 26, 2005

Is the USA doomed?

When we see anti-American protestors lying in DC posing as patriots; when we see natural disasters bloodying the USA; when we hear and read ministers saying that God is punishing the USA for such things as Iraq, the Israel 'peace' deal, the millions of abortions, should we believe our nation is doomed??? Should we forget the helpers, ministers, charities, churches, volunteers of compassion that have aided the USA over the last few months? Should we forget that this nation will aid any color, any ethnic group when it is in danger? Should we forget that our war against Islamofascism is a necessity because that murderous Wahabi thugs want to kill off all facets of the Judeo-Christian Western Civilization? Should we forget that the USA is one of the last Christian outposts in a sea of hatred and multicultural bile? Sure we have our national, personal sins. But, what nation is filled with more Christian love, compassion, edifices, works of charity, hospitals, museums, libraries done in the name of the Biblical God? None. Europe is a wasteland of spirituality. Thank God Africa and parts of Latin America are undergoing revival. Some parts of SE Asia are too. God is not dead. America and its history, traditions, culture and spiritual beliefs are not dead. Dispite liberalism, humanism, Islamofascism, and anti-American hate groups, America is not dead and not doomed. When Americans forget God in great masses, then, and only then, will America be doomed.


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