
Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Godly hope in Meirs

OK, so Harriet is not Luttig, McConnell, or Brown. But, if her belief system is indeed evangelical Christian, and if she is the strict constructionist she and W say she is, the nomination is NOT A COMPLETE DISASTER. There is always the hope too, that Stevens and Ruth Bader will resign before 2008. If so, W could actually appoint two rightists with conservative moral ideologies which will really change the culture of SCOTUS. I will hold my powder, guns, bile until we hear more about Harriet. My guess is that the Libs will oppose her just because she is a Christian. If so, W has sandbagged the Dems again. My prayers are with her, Roberts and the other choices that W has made. He should have gone with rishk instead of safe but in reality, Harriet might be the hard case that conservatives have always wanted. If so, W will be a genius. If not, 2006-2008 will be a bloodbath for Pubs.


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