Outreach to whom?
There has been recent comments by both Protestant and Catholic scholars, pastors and commentators that both wings of Christianity have to get together to deal with the rise of Islamofascism. Melanie Phillips book, 'Londonistan' is proof positive that we are not only in WW III but by 2050, experts know that Islam will be the religion of Europe. Odd is it not that when Christians, writers like Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh and many missionaries say that Muslims should become Christians, the world goes wild but when Islamos say everyone should become, Bush, the Pope, writers and reporters like Steve Centani, nothing is said. All are afraid of Islam. Yet we hear it is a religion of peace. That is a lie from the Pit of Hell . Anyone who believes that is simply not understanding history, the Koran or Madrassas type Islamic hate over the last 1,300 years. Most missionaries to Muslim nations are so brave and courageous that one wonders if it is all worth it. So few Muslims become Christians yet the 28th Chapter of Matthew says , the Gospel to all the world. I wish it were so. But, I fear that Revelation is more true today than 500 years ago. Islam may very well be the last Satanic enemy of the Church, the Judeo-Western world and America. Perhaps this is the End Times and Jesus is at the apex of history happening right here and now.
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