
Monday, October 17, 2005

Iraqui election is a win for all concerned except....

The Iraqui elections are a win for their 60% voter turnout, for Bush, for the USA, for fledgling ME democracy, for freedom. They are a loss to the Left, the DNC, Democrats and liberals in general, the Islamofascists, the MSM and this will make them even more dangerous in the next two election times here in the USA! Bush, Republicans, conservatives and even Evangelical Christians must lose because they are more evil than the terrorists. Now with this type of mentality, does it really stretch the immagination to realize that the Left will put our nation and any Judeo-Christian Western Civ. worldview into a death grip. They cannot be trusted and one wonders whether all realize that this too might be a spiritual battleground that Biblical prophecy might be commenting on. I am really wondering whether the Biblical God will step in here if this is the end of history scenario. Probably it is not and so we who are living through this horror must continue to realize that evil must be defeated by our arms, prayers, materiale, and will. This is a world calamity and when the Islamos get nukes, we then will have to preempt them by blowing them off the face of the earth! Now liberals shudder at this. This is why they hate Israel too. Israel will use preemption if Iran or any other Islamo state gets nukes. We should support them especially if our national will is lacking. It will come to this, I will bet my house.


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