It's Sat. but Sun. is coming: right Tony?
The one thing I agree with as to Tony Campollo's views is his great sermon, It's Friday, but Sunday's Coming. This Easter sermon is a classic. Well, today is Sat. but Thank God , Sun. is coming. If one reads the Sat. papers, media outlets, listens to Talk Radio today, one is apt to think that bad news, the Anti-Christ, defeat, woe and wailing are the only things hitting America today. A Catholic publication, released the last few days and printed today in religion sections of papers, says that the Church does'nt take the Bible literally. Now one can understand that if one has a context. But, to many readers, this will nix the Biblical truths altogether. Then we have the glee of the MSM on the DeLay problems, the Frist problems and of course, the Meirs disaster and W's overall troubles. Then we see the falling test scores nationally for our pupils in reading. No one is reading nowadays and with so many illegals and other immigrant languages in our schools, it is a wonder our teachers can get anyone to read and write! Then we saw a mother in her 20's, kill her 3 kids by throwing them to the 'sharks' in SF Bay. She pleaded innocent! We , of course, have the ongoing murders of the Syrians, the Pals, the Islamofascists in Iraq and the horrors in Iran. One would think that the End Days are already here. But, tomorrow, Sun. is coming and will be here. Let us hope that sermons throughout the nation will give us encouragement in Jesus Christ as the only answer for eternity as well as domestic and relational peace in our battered globe. It will not be 'diversity', or 'multiculturalism', or an amalgamation of religions that will give us this peace, but the one true Creator God, Jesus Christ. Period.
David: you are , of course, correct. Beleive it or not, in the early '30's in great Britain, there was a move to muscular Christianity. Oh how that has changed in Europe where polling shows only 4% of Europeans are born again Christians. Liberal Prots have done more to ally themselves to the Left than the general public knows. What is so frustrating is that the Lefty MSM gets believed by so many in the American public even though other polls show how much the public distrusts the MSM! It is almost a Catch-22 situation. Thank the Lord for alternative media such as Talk Radio, Fox, the cable.
Believe it or not. I was rushing my answer that spelling left my old eyes and hand reactions! LOL
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