Outreach to whom, Part 2
OK, sharing the Gospel with whom is or should be easy. Matthew 28 says to the entire world. If, if, if there really are moderate Muslims; that would be one target group. Now, the percentages of saved Muslim to Christian is below 1 % but it is a group that needs Jesus as all groups do. Every Christian should support Jews for Jesus and Chosen People. It is a tough ministry but the Bible says ' to the Jew first.' Can you imagine if sharing the Gospel to Jews and Muslims was more successful, perhaps communication between them would be on sounder footing. Of course, most of Islam does not want to be changed and neither does Judaism. So, in America, outreach to whom? Well, how bout the huge number of people who list themselves as liberal secular humanists, or atheists or agnostics? In the USA, there is a growing pagan society. They are our neighbors and in many cases appear to be civilized, decent people. But, they have a spiritual vaccum as do un-Saved Jews and Muslims. Can you see why I continually remark on the bravery of missionaries who sometimes give their lives to spread the Gospel of salvation of Jesus Christ? If every Christian could reach one person a month via person to person communication, or email, or snailmail, the Kingdom of Jesus would grow. The Bibles uses terms like, the fields are full of flowers but no one is picking them. No one is gathering up the wheat. In real terms, this is talking about people who live out their lives in quiet desparation or sometimes in great times but lack any spiritual foundation. That foundation is Jesus Christ, the Creator God Savior of the entire world. Many missionaries today say that almost 2,000 people groups have been reached but there are hundreds more. My bet is the largest unreached group , though efforts have been made, is to that billion in the Muslim world!
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