Religion, thugs, speeches
In the last 3 days, the public has been filled with religious talk by Hugo Chavez, the Iranian thug with his 12 Iman prayer at the UN, and Hugo's speech at a black church in Harlem today. The speeches have been filled with hate, insults, bias and yet our media has refused to report on them as just that. Religion was seen at the UN with Hugo crossing himself and then calling President Bush, the devil! The Iranian thug ended his speech by calling for the world to become Muslim and then asking for Allah's servant to come back, end the world in a horrid shootout, and set up an Islamic world government. Meanwhile , the President called for freedom religious freedom, and liberty in the Middle East. The amazing thing too is how many politicians use Hugo's and the Iranian's insults against America and the President and Christian conservatives because , in fact, the rhetoric sound like the very same thing! The liberal media doesn't understand any religious talk or speech. It cannot understand how serious Hugo and the Iranian are with their religious quotations. In fact, the dictators' useage of religion is to undermine all Judeo-Western civilization's values. Israel is to be destroyed. America is to be destroyed. And yet the media and liberal politicians do not get it, see it or understand the threats implied there. Perhaps they should read Hitler's Mein Kampf. What dictators write or say may just be what they mean to do when enabled to do so. In fact, both the Nazis, Communists, Mao, Pol Pot, and now the Islamofascists mean exactly what they write or say all wrapped up in ideological and religious symbolism. Americans, all Americans, better wake up to this reality. Especially our liberal politicians and media outlets.
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