My biopic
I wanted to let people know , in case they haven't gone broke over Christmas spending, my next birthday is Feb. 10, 2007 and I will be 68 years old. Any cards, presents, trips to Maui will be appreciated. LOL
I wanted to let people know , in case they haven't gone broke over Christmas spending, my next birthday is Feb. 10, 2007 and I will be 68 years old. Any cards, presents, trips to Maui will be appreciated. LOL
Well, the new blog I crowed about is not where I wrote it would be. It will be under And be called , Philly's Blog. Take a look if you will. Keep clicking into both blogs. I think you will be able to comment on many issues and at least vent your frustration of how our world is going nowadays. I do.
Any reader of this blog, you may know that for almost 20 years, I have been a pastor at Abundant Hope (Living Hope) Church. At the end of 2007, I may retire as the Lord directs (and my wife too!), so I wanted to keep posting here with religious, spiritual notes as well as posting at my new blog, Philly's I hope you who read this will click in and make comments. The church is in Downey, Ca. It is a very nice city though we do not live there. Still, I have been faithfully coming up there for these 20 years at least 4 times a week. It is a small church and we have a younger pastor , who I thought would take over for me so that a younger , faithful, loving, gracious pastor would be the face of our newly merged church. His name is Don as many of you know. We are hoping and praying for good things for this church as it reaches out to the community to display the Gospel of Jesus, the good news as well as the bad news that humanity falls short of the glory of God through its spiritual nature of sin, rebellion, and mistrust and lack of faith in an Almighty. The outreach is always to show the love, salvation, grace of the Crucifixion , death, life and then glorious Resurrection of Jesus. That Act alone in all of history assures any person, if they trust that Act for personal salvation here and now, and eternal life plus the added benefit of a changed character through God's own Spirit. Can you imagine having God's own Spirit within you if you connect, obey, cooperate with the King of the Universe? What a change it could mean to your family, friends, enemies , local , state and national events! Dec. 10, tomorrow, Sun. I am preaching on Christmas Peace. Come join us. Dec. 17, Pastor Don, Georgia and the choir plus our Downey Christian Kids will bring us A Christmas Cantata. Join us in Downey for the Advent Season.
A good sermon this Sun., the 3rd. It dealt with Peace, Ephesians 2. Pastor Don connected it with Lk. 2 and Advent. Next Sun., the 10th, I am preaching on Christmas Peace. We need it! The Middle East is once again exploding as cars explode, Hezbollah explodes with blackmail in Lebanon and Iran tries to sucker the USA and others in believing it can solve all the problems in Iraq. This Christmas season sees our own church, Abundant Hope Christian Center planning already for the new year. We have a new website: and though our TV presentations will end at the end of this Dec., we hope to have more outreaches to the local community. Still, while we await this celebration of the First Advent, we also await the Second Advent. Jesus said to occupy the time with good works before He would come and end all history . That is a good plan for any New Year. One thing I might add to this coverage of Advent by the Church World, is peace in our own families. If anything, peace in our families should be a No. 1 priority for Believer and Non-Believer alike. No one likes strife in one's family. God provides instructions, advice, and help through His Spirit to heal and bring communication, love, forgiveness and peace to all families who want to cooperate with Him. And that is the key! Obedience, love, cooperation with God will bring restoration in many ways during this Advent Season.
I think that many Americans know that this is Christmas and not just Happy Holidays! However, Christianity and Christ and Christmas is under more attacks than ever before in our nation. And frankly, I am sick to my heart and getting angrier over our political correctness which denigrates God, the Bible and our traditions of some 200 years. And frankly, I say to those who are offended by Merry Christmas, I say,' Get over it!' We are not celebrating Kwanza, Ramadan, any Hindu or Budhist holiday or birthday. It is Christ's nativity and even if the silly Chicago City Council bans the new movie, The Nativity or tries to close down its annual Christmas festivities because some Muslims may be offended, I still say, 'Get over it!' When the Methodist Church and other mainline leftist churches take Onward Christian Soldiers out of their hymnals, we know we are revising Christian history and liturgy. Enough is enough. The Prince of Peace does not advocate terror bombings. He does not ask kids to tie dynamite packs to them to blow up other kids. He doesn't ask people to shack up and have illigitimate children. He loves all humanity, forgives them of their sins if they want them forgiven and offers grace, help, salvation, friendship. He does not blow up airplanes or start wars. No other religion today can say that since they usually don't have any eternal answers for life's trials. We celebrate Advent because historically God came down in human form to live a human life so as to understand human tears, fears, sins, and acts of goodness. He needed too. Humanity is frankly still a mess and needs Him more than ever. He came once 2000 years ago. He will come again The Bible says and seeing the world and its bias, hatred, and savagery weighted against the good deeds of many people, He needs to come again. That will be the Second and Final Advent. So, while we have the time, let us accept the love, grace, salvation offered to all of us freely. This is as good a time to do business with this Christ as any. Merry Christmas.
Labels: Christmas Advent suggestions