
Friday, December 30, 2005


In my last post , myths was not spelled right.. It had something else. So did again and some other word I forget already. (I am almost 67 and memory is not what it used to be,LOL) I am typing this on a bed instead of a desk. The desk fell apart and being a technological idiot, I could not get it together again. Sort of like the Dumpty thing. After Jan. 8 , I am hoping to have my Cape May buddy, Harry come back and put it together. He did it right the first time, years ago. BTW, he would have agreed with all my rumminations except the religious suggestion. With the war on Christianity in 2005, people are even more wary of accepting Christ. It is sad, that. The government, courts, lobbying groups, the ACLU all seemed bent on destroying the foundations of our culture. In Sweden, even blue jeans today are sold blasting the holiness of Jesus and God's work in the world. Too bad, that. Sweden in the 1600's used to have a religious background with some of its kings who were warriors.Today, if one finds a born again Christian there, as in the rest of the EU areas, it is a miracle . Hopefully misspellings will not keep people from reading blogs, whether this one or others. Blogs in 2006 may be the only media we will be able to trust to get real news from real people and events. Not the conspiracies of the Leftist fever swamps.

End of year rumminations, Dec.30

The bowl games are now in full swing. But, one should cap off the last year without speaking about sports. Oh, well, at least the TO story should be mentioned. Maybe steroirds. But, mostly Iraq, so-called domestic spying which isn't! And Bush haters. Which are! The military has baeen the big story this year for me. The bravery and achievements of our military is blasting Islamofascism has been Nobel Prize stuff. We have had 3 elections in Iraq for the first time in their horrid history.Saddam is in the hoosecal. Only the Leftist NYTimes and other MSM media doomsdayers, some rotten university leftists, and many Congressional Democrats seem to think fighting Islamofascism in Iraq is a bad thing. And spying on the rats is now gaining even more approval dispite the Left's cries of civil rights abuses.The economy is booming and I am surprised that the Dow has been taking some hits in the last week. Making money on all those inventory, surplusses, and gains throughout the year is just capitalism. What a signal it would have given if the Dow had reached 11,000! Also nice to see movies like Batman Begins, Walk the Line, Narnia, King Kong, and Pride and Prejudice make the film award notifications so that the gay cowboy thing, the Speilberg mess of Munich, and Clooney's Syriana don't try to hoodwink the public into thinking those type of stories portray reality. The myiths this year in film portrayed heroism, good vs evil, and good won most of the time!! Why Narnia even pointed to a triumphant resurrected God who defeats evil. Wow, what a novel concept! Celebrate safely and write some letters to our military on the many websites available. Do something constructive for people instead of getting hammered and acting like a darn fool. Bless the New Year by turning to Christ. That really will make it a Happy New Year.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


There are some pretty good books on sale right now. Take a look at some of the conservative or Christian books available. Go see Narnia. In fact, read the books of CSLewis. Then make sure you see the Trilogy of the Lord of the Rings and be sure to read them too. There will be explanations of the Christian symbols. Read John Gibson's War on Christmas. Read some thrilllers by Vince Flynn. Get some gift packs of old MGM musicals. Go to the flickers and see the Johnny Cash biopic. It is not very spiritual and does not tell of his conversion but at least June Carter does say, God gave you a second chance John, make the most of it. There is a nice little three hankie flick which is a nice little liberal family movie with some good acting. Nothing spiritual but The Family Stone has its moments. And it does center on what passes for Christmas family sentimentality. Hopefully, Hollywood will try to do some real, nuts and bolts films about the joys, trials, and temptations American middle class, normal, religious people. There are real stories to be told which would interest 'fly over country' as well as the Right and Left Coasts. I still cherish Chariots of Fire, and now Narnia, yet both of them are English made. There must be some nice, normal, thrilling, religous stories about nearly 100,000,000 Americans who say they are good, patriotic, religious Christians which would move our citizens.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Boxing Day, after Merry Christmas

Well, the season is still with us. Many sermons asked that Christians fight back and lovingly say Merry Christmas. We did and so did many others. Violent Video games were the smash gift items. Now a judge says that they cannot be reasonably censored. The economy roared on and sales were up dispite the energy prices zooming again. At the end on 2005, there ae many charts of what happened, who died, and what is coming predictions.One can predict that the better things are for the USA , the worse it will be for the leftist Dems in Congress, the MSM, and our enemies in the ME. The worst things for the USA, the above 3 will be in hog heaven!!Go see Narnia and King Kong. At least sweet, good, and nostalgic things are the format of both shows. The music of the season is over but the New Years' malarky will come as will the Bowl games. Even Dick Clark has recovered enough to appear on Dec. 31. All the Talk Radio hosts seem on vacation. So something big will still happen in the next 5 days and they will not get a chance to comment. We shall have to wait till Jan. 2-3-4. Finished reading Predator by Pat Cornwall. Did not like her stabs at America, Bush, and the supposedly horrid living conditions for Americans now. Seemed out of context with her heroes and their wealth and Harvard backgrounds. The intelligensia just cannot get Christmas, the USA, capitalism that feeds them, and our war on Islamofascism right. Oh well, there is always next year, say how bout them Eagles???? UGH.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

It is Dec. 21 and we still will not more oil drilling, so what will Santa do to fly that sleigh?

Christmas is almost here but poor Santa will have no oil for that fast sleigh of his. The Leftist Dems and some envirowhacko Pubs stopped drilling in ANWR again tonight. They finally passed the Patriot Act for 6 months. The GOP just cannot seem to keep the 45 Senate Dems from undermining the entire war on terror as well as making us energy independent. So many compromises just to get home for presents, egg nog and critics!! Well, the lights on SoCal homes were beautiful last night as my wife and I wandered from street to street to see the gorgeous displays. It is warm here in SoCal but freezing back East. I wonder how many people there wish that their energy prices were lower? ANWR could help as would more nuke power. Still , the enviros would rather have socialism not capitalism here in the USA. Their alles, the Dems want that too. Can you see a Socialist Santa? That really is what the Dems seem to want for all of us. Makes you wonder how the Founders would view this Xmas season in Congress. Makes one wonder how the God that is being celebrated in 4 days would view America as it seems to be losing its moral as well as its common sense values and parameters. Let us all pray for grace as we stumble on into 2006. He is able to sustain us. Will our leaders legislate Him simply out of our national life? Makes one wonder, huh?

Monday, December 19, 2005

Correction for Dec. 19

I tried to edit and failed. The word is commemorate. That is what this church in SoCal does with the birth of Jesus Christ. We know the 25th is not the real day of birth but we love time of year, this appreciation of the Christ-child, the fact that He will grow up to be the Saviour of the world. For years, btw, as pastor here over some 18 years, I always celebrated the Sundays of Advent. I still like the term Advent. One other thing: some mega-churches are not having Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services. Though we are very small, we are having both. I will lead one at 6pm and Pastor Don, our lead pastor will lead one Christmas Day at 11am along with a Korean congregation, OMC. Christmas is for everyone and the truth is if only people will open their hearts and minds to the Biblical truths just these two churches proclaim, Christmas would reign in the hearts of all the nations of the world. Jesus is for , to, with, the World. All faiths are not equal and perhaps that is why so many people hate Christ and this season, we still call the Christmas season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Advent of the Truth, secular and religious

We are in the Blessed Advent Season. We all know Jesus wasn't born on Dec. 25. But, the Church for centures has commemorated this time to honor the great King, Lord and Saviour of the Universe. We do at our church in SoCal. There is a great truth here even with the secular war against Christmas. It is not just a war against a holiday or mangers. It is a war against the Intolerant Idea that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light of the World for All Humanity. That ticks off many , many people around the world and inside our nation. Especially with the elites, the MSM, the university campuses and the Leftist Democrat Party.

Truth is hard to know when it is lied about for the past 50 years. One truth is that America is not the source of all the globe's ills, sins, worries, poverty, wars or troubles. But, that is hard to find in the elitist view of America. It is hard to find when America is in a war against the horrors of an evil enemy, a cultural war, a military war, a social war against Islamofascist Islamic murderers, nations and Wahabi extremists who use education to tell lies and deny truths. On a political, military, social scale each day!!!! The President told some truths on the 18th and today, the 19th. The media is furious about them. So are the Leftist Democrats. They hate his view that the Judeo-Christian Western Civ. worldview, with America fighting evil is slowly again being accepted by Americans and even some in the Middle East. It galls these Leftists that such truths would win. After all, in their diseased, warped minds, only America is the cause of real evil unless Leftists , of course, run the show. That they have no credibility on our national defense, simply is denied as they call for more and more retreat and less and less of national defense. They call for Civil Rights when the real civil right we all have is LIFE. If Islamists blow us up, kill us in the hundreds, thousands or millions, our Civil Rights will be meaningless. W knows that. Americans are finally waking up again about these truths. We Americans forgot 9/11. The Dems in the Senate killed the Patriot Act. If the USA is hit again, one truth will be certain. All Americans will know who to blame and it won't be the President!!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Dec. 15 Iraq votes and destroys the Dem-liberal day!

Yep, the elections in Iraq are going on. Pretty peacefully. Few shots, few bombs. No different than an election in Fla. or Ohio when the Dems try to cheat!! What a day for reform. What a day for a trend toward a hopeful instead of a dreary , murdersome, racist Middle East. Islam might even gain respectibility again if the voters don't go Iran or Al Queda on the world! Maybe even American muslims will finally renounce extreme Wahabi murders all in the name of Islam. It is possible all because of a purple finger by the brave voters in Iraq.10 days before a celebration of the Prince of Peace between humanity and the Creator God and Iraq is finally becoming civilized and striving for internal peace dispite the horrors of the Islamic nuts and the Democrat Party in the USA! Yep, Praise God and thank Him for the vote as well as the brave military in both the American troops and the Iraqui troops. Praise Him for the bravery of President Bush.He was right and the Left was wrong.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Look down to the 2006 column for my remarks and comments

Again, this blog cannot seem to go date by date. Take a look at the 2006 blog entry down below in November et al. I will try to put all these entries in order when I can. Please comment on my 2006 resolution entry. As a Christian, I am sure this blog comment will show my heart, my thinking and my love for those not in the Christian faith.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Well our two parties are now history. Both were fun faithful and even family oriented. Both our Anniversary Party and Church Christmas Party were expensive but worth it in terms of warmth, love, sharing, and good food and fellowship.Today, too saw the execution of a real rotten rat, Tookie Williams. Slayer of 4 innocents, he tried , with the help of elitist media, mushy headed liberals, mushy headed left-wing religious people saying that Jesus would have spared him, to 'game' the world into getting him out of his actions via the consequences of the law. The real reason capital punishment is so weird is that it is really not tried, executed in quick time, with due process and drags out the process in such a way that all victims of the dastardly murderers are just forgotten. The Bible says that God destroyed the known world long ago because of its fascination, active participation and rationalization of MURDER. Odd that so many elitists today want to simply forget the murder and rush on with some blabber about 'changed people, things change, years go past, it's not fair, its racist or some other claptrap of reasoning. Morality just never seems to come into it nowadays. Also, today, Iraquis started voting again. Those purple fingers will be lifted dispite the cut and run Dems, the treacherous Leftists all round the world and in the MSM, and dispite the murderous Islamofascists. BTW, I wonder if the Left would like to see those murderers freed too with some malarky about how the West just has a bias against Islamic fundamentalist murderers?????!!!!! LOL All in all a good day to celebrate righteousness, freedom, and defeat for murderers all round the globe!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Dec. 10, 11, the Texas connection for joy and fun, food, faith and family,friends

Today, my wife is spearheading a party for some friends and family to celebrate our belated 25th Anniversary. She is a true Christian in that she believes in rewarding good impact of people on one's life. We are having this party at Lone Star, a Texas-based, themed restaurant in Long Beach. Both my wife and myself admire the character, principles, and conservative beliefs of Texas. Our friends and family know our faith and fundamentals even if sometimes they fall short of Jesus' ideal. And what is odd, funny, is that our church, Abundant Hope of Downey, is having its Christmas Party at the same restaurant on Dec. 11 after services. It is a good restaurant but it also symbolizes for Katy and myself, the character of Texas, the great food, and the fact that we want to thank people for their impact on our lives. On Dec.11, I hope the church remembers to thank Jesus for His impact on all our lives! Funny that a California themed restaurant would not have the same impact, the same character building history or values like a restaurant based on a Texas theme. Probably a New York, DC, or Oregon themed restaurant would not either. Perhaps it is because of the lack of fundamental faith views, the lack of Christian values now promoted by those areas. I don't know but it is odd. Maybe I am just favorably pushed toward Bible Belt values. But, anyway, I am looking forward to both parties at the same restaurant!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Well, December is here and the Libs are not only destroying Christmas but the war on Islamofascist terrorism.

The Liberal Dems are really over the top now. Not only do they want to destroy Christmas but with their recent statements by Dean , Kerry, Pelosi trying to tell Americans that we are losing in Iraq and we should cut and run, I wonder if our national security will survive. Our culture is under attack not only by Islamos but by so-called Americans. Ever since Nam, liberals have been undermining all that Americans held dear. Whether is was prayer, the pledge, the Judeo-Christian Western world view, the sanctity of marriage, liberals will keep on stabbing America in the back. They will howl in protest. I do not care. None dare call it treason but I do. And not only that, tolerance of their hatred toward the Judeo-Christian underpinings of our culture cannot be tolerated. Onwards Christian Soldiers friends. And we want our Godly Jewish friends to join us. Liberals would undo Israel too, if they ever got the chance!!! And oh, Howard Dean, John Dean, Merry Christmas!