
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Seeking Living Hope?

If any blogger is seeking the old living hope site, one will ,hopefully be directed to this site. This is the updated site. I am sorry for the confusion but the overall site has lost my password and name for the old living hope site. I just cannot get back on. And wouldn't you know, I had the old site on all my business cards and church materials. Now, I have this one, AbundantHope on some new ones.

President Bush and his enemies

June 28, the President gave a speech he should give with updates every month until his term expires. He needs to keep the laggers, the slothful, the MSM up to date on progress in Iraq in the ME. We now know that the Left here is why we have any chance to lose this war against Islamofacism. Only Democrats will keep us in danger of losing. Only the Left. Not the Right, not average voters, not our military and not Rumsfeld or Cheney. The military is optimistic that we will win. It will take years but only if the Dems destroy the public's confidence will we lose this war. The Bidens, Clintons, Leahys, Kerrys, Edwards', these are the real enemies of the USA and the President.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


One wonders if Americans have forgotten 9/11. Apparently, according to polls, it seems so. Just when have Americans declared that? Perhaps it will take terrorists to hit the NY Times building to really get Americans realizing that we are in WWIII. But, then with the media hating Bush, who knows? This Nam comparison is just too much for me. The Left is really just so Namized and appeasements reigns in their universities, in the Dem Senate and of course in the MSM. I guess I still believe it is better fighting Terrorist-Islamofacist thugs in the ME than in Long Beach.Our military morale is still high and yet they fear that the Left will undermine them with all these charges of Quagmire. Mort Kondracke wrote today that the Democrats seem so anti-Iraq that they are putting themselves in a corner whereby if Bush wins out and the Iraquis win out, they will be doomed in 2006-08. Meanwhile,my prayers go out to Bush, our military and also to the Left. The prayers to the Left are, GET SAVED PEOPLE AND STOP BEING TRAITORS.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Should Christians always forgive apologies?

Would we have accepted apologies if Hitler, Stalin, or Pol Pot apologized for their horrors? Should we accept the Clinton, Durbin, Byrd, Reid apologies when we all know none of them are sincere? For within hours, or days, or the next news cycle, some other smear is uttered and covered up by the MSM. Oh, and why is it that the MSM, the Dems, universities and Hollywood never accept any Christian's apology for their history over the last 2000 years no matter what the event, person, matter? And has any terrorist, lefty, politician ever personally asked the varied Churches, Christian leaders for a specific apology? No matter who was the offender? The Bible is quite clear that we must forgive those who sin against us. But, I don't forgive Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot. I stand up when I can against their murderous thoughts, agendas, actions. Don't you? Sometimes Americans fight militarily evil. WWII comes to mind: Korea, Nam, Gulf 1, and now Gulf 2 and the war against Islamofacism. should we apologize for that? Should the military? Have we all forgotten 9/11? Have we forgotten the evil, murderous appeals of jihadism via the so called holy book, the Koran??And yet yesterday, some lunky NC court said it was now OK for Muslims in court to swear on the Koran! Since when has this nation abdicated the Judeo-Christian worldview? I realize we are being pushed that way via multiculturalism. But, if history and examples nowadays in Europe are any lesson, giving into this anti-American, anti-Judeo-Christian worldview( Islam ) is simply suicidal. And no I do not forgive the OBL-jihadists-Hamas-PLO types who have massacred Americans, Israelies, British, Spanish citizens. They have never asked for one!!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Bolton, jurists, what next?

Leftist Dems in the Senate, on the airwaves, and out at their fund raisers seem hell-bent on destroying Bush, the war on Islamofacism, our military, any reform of the UN and jurists who actually judge not write laws. The Leftists really seem to be so anti-American now that the MSM is becoming their legal, social, and journalistic supporters without hiding their biases.What a topsy turvey look at reality. Christians are bad; Hamas is now good. Conservatives are evil but liberals are true patriots and really spiritual. Dems work hard and Pubs never hold real jobs, work hard and are evil. Up is down in liberal secularist-pacifistic-socialist views. What will Dems stand up against next? How 'bout national defense at all? How 'bout legal restraints on any illegal immigration? How 'bout the Constitutional view that our laws should be judged via our Constitution? In fact, some jurists on the Left are already there! Will the voter ever wake up? If so, what will they do to show that common sense has left all DNC , Leftist Dem Party people??? If Dick Durbin is the voice of the DNC, can we ever trust them to defend us? I think not.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Senator Durbin, Democract-Leftist fool

As we all have heard, well perhaps not in, on the MSM as of yet, Senator Durbin of Illinois has dissed our military, posed murderous agendas to our President, the GOP and the entire Administration. The Dems have used bile and hatred for now 4 years to undermine our effort in our war against Islamofacism. Will no one speak up but some blogs? When will the GOP and President call for this guy's resignation? Perhaps Cheney will . He seems to be the only guts and glory guy in the Administration. Durbin, Moore, Dean, Kennedy, Leahy are all haters, fools, un=American and liars. But, the MSM will not cover their betrayal so it is up to the GOP to do so. Bloggers alone will not be able to carry the day since still today, most people still get their news from the MSM. It is changing but not enough yet. For 60 years, the Left, Dems, DNC has supported all the enemies of America if a Republican has been in the Executive office. Whether it was IKE, Nixon, Reagan orBush. The Lefties whined about the wars we waged against our national enemies. They are dooing it now. They are horrors. Somebody has to make it his or her life's work to expose them and to blast Durbin for weeks if necessary. The world has to see just how jaded and hate-filled these people are.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Judges, Iraq and Iran

The President seems to be haunted by many issues including illegal immigration and energy policies that the Dems have not engaged. But, the issues nowadays that have the MSM engaged are Judges, Iraq, Iran and the Downing St. Memo. The Left loves to pile on especially when conservatives, Christians, Bushies or Pubs are involved. I still want Frist to push as many Bush judicial appointments through as he can. Energy, immigration , Trade, seem now to be on the front burner but the Base wants Frist to deal with these judges since in the long run, along with democracy in the ME, Bush will be known for his judicial impact years afterwards. This, the Left knows and hates. It is bad enough for them that Bush, Christians, an alliance between Judeo-Christian values people seem to be still in charge of political things but for judges to be approved, this puts the Left in OUTRAGE LEFT FIELD.

If only the Memo can get Bush impeached as Kerry dreams of. If only Bush poll numbers keep going down and soldiers keep dying. Then the Left hopes for victories. Great isn't it when Americans hope for doom for other Americans to get back in power! Hugh Hewitt mentions today that two other jurists, Kavanaugh and Griffith need to be passed on. There are issues other than jurists , of course, but to the Base, remember, this is priority no. 1. Tues, an amendment by Tancredo on immigration is important. Novak today says Kyoto is coming round again for Bush via Blair's push. Trade is important. Energy is really important. Then too, the articles about China (one in the Boston Globe yesterday) is coming to be a pain in our collective rear ends! Iran is important. A poll recently said, young people want a change of govt. and relations with America. Whether that happens is moot now that bombs are exploding again. So, Bush has his hands full and those Dems still are not helping as good Americans. They crave power so much that these issues can go to hell in a hand basket before they would pick up one stick to support this President. That is the real crime we should be discussing. Not Jackson and his perversions!

Friday, June 10, 2005


Just back from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. It is about to be a part of another 'tropical storm.' Fla. has been hit by storms for years and the Gulf Coast is weary as a storm center. BTW, after seeing MSNBC on the President for the last week, Bush seems to be always in the middle of a storm center. They know or think they know that Bush is losing popularity, he is a dolt, he is losing the war on terror, he is ruining the economy, he doesn't know jurists, he doesn't close the borders, he is a capitalist running dog and on an on it goes. What the critics like MSNBC seem never to do is to list the ways that Bush is a real failure and a storm center. They pick on supposed lies, WMD's, Iraq, the UN hatred via Bolton and on and on it goes. Yet he got tax cuts passed, got the Patriot Act which everyone supposedly hates but apparently has stopped any terrorist attacks since 9/11. He is winning the war on terror and has changed the mind set of the Middle East. He has set America to be Number One which Liberals and Democrats and the MSMedia hates. People in America have an attention span of about 30 minutes until a real dramatic stance , event occurs. On each of these events, Bush seems to have ridden through the storm center and seemingly will continue to do so as he deals with judges. Or Iran, or N. Korea or even storms in Florida.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


This person, is a good person who is doing the Lord's work by helping out Hugh Hewitt's inspired blogs. If one goes to Hugh Hewitt.com, you can find this person's site. Now, what is the value of these blogs? Well, we all know about Drudge, Instapundit, Hugh himself, and others politically and inspirationally which are moving news instead of just wailing about the Lefty media. Nowadays, bloggers can take on the Big Three and the Post, Times, Globe etc. Newsweek, and other PBS lefties. I hope more bloggers who have fact-based sites will actually do investigative work on all levels of our culture. It takes time, patience, money and will to do this. I would love to see the Rossi victory in the state of Washington confirmed by real investigation and then pressure on the state Leg. and on the courts to make that election a new one. I would love to see any other voting frauds that Dems perpetrated on the American voters truly investigated and then published on mainstream media sites via those investigations. Put it on Talk Radio on a daily level. If we are to continue to fight the good fight against leftism, taking a nap, snoozing, quiting, will not do our democracy any good. Bloggers do seem to be the new democrats: small d democrat. Freedom and liberty really occur when more news outlets are inspired and factual investigations really do take place.

The media, Deep throat and hatred

It seems to me that for the last 40 years, the liberal media has made it their life's work to hate Nixon, Reagan and Bush 1 and 2. For a decade, all problems for this nation were begun by Reagan-Bush. Nixon was the evil twin disposed of by those brave media paragons of virtue-Woody and Bernie. Now we have Felt as Nixon the Destroyer and yet....some think he is not a hero . And neither are Woody and Bernie. Nixon covered up the same way as FDR, JFK, LBJ and almost every other Prez. Nixon was just not loveable or cute or of the same class as the above Presidents. The media supported Bubba and never ever thought his crimes and errors came to be Nixonian. Rush mentioned Ben Stein's article on how Nixon had policies which rise above any of Bubba's but history just will not give Dick a break. Whether it was China, end of the draft, Nam peace, other things which were passed during his years, Nixon just will not catch a break.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Now there are two abundathopes. What did I do wrong?

Well, I clicked on view. I came up with 2 new sites. But, only 1 is now filled with my first post. I am praying that this will be the second blog. Who knows? Perhaps I should go to computer school and just inundate myself in all the tricks of the trade. Seems so wasteful because before my computer disasters of the last month, I could blog cheerfully when I wanted. Now I am not so sure I can get on here at abundanthope when I want. Ah, but I shall try to do it daily so THERE WILL BE NO TIMEOUTS. IS THAT THE PHRASE? At least my wife and I are off on a jaunt to Ft. Launderdale. In that week's time, will I again be subjected to the wiles of cyberspace and lose this connection??? Perhaps. Then what? Create another blog? Soon I will have 20 but none that I can depend upon!! Sort of the like having too much welfare, too much liberalism, too much secularism. Water water everywhere and I am being flooded by sites.

The worries of a blogger who cannot get on!

This is my first blog since April 26. It looks funny since I had been on at Living Hope and the conservpastor.blogspot.com/ site. For some reason, probably my error or stupidity, I could not get on and there was no way to log in, make cookies accepted, sign in, get a password, get a name; it was a nightmare. For a month now I have been slaving away but no dice. Perhaps all my new business cards with the old site are now wasted. Of course, I could take time to explain all this to every contact! Many things have happened since this time out. Jurists, Bolton, Frist, the Pope, Deep Throat. all have occured without expressions of fear, hope, fun, opinion being shared. I suppose I could just scream out and hope cyberspace hears me but now that I have contacted Hugh Hewitt, Radio Blogger, Mark Roberts as the old Living Hope and note that some contacts are still on the old site, it might be worth it to re-contact them just to say: I live. I think therefore I am in cyberspace. Oh the pain. Oh the humanity. No way to crusade against the Times, the Post, the Globe in heated exchanges. Well, perhaps I can start anew though now old contacts will not know of this new site. The name comes about because I am a pastor at a now merged church, called Abundanthope. Still, I also teach political science so I suppose I could call it Abundantboundinginanddispensinghope. Yipe. Looks like a town in Wales!