
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Compassion for the 'working poor' and a category which we know as UNBELIEVERS.

Not too long ago, there was a term in the USA called, 'the working poor.' Since the Great Depression, Americans have believed that government, charities, churches should care for those who could not care for themselves. Actually, this is Biblical except for the government part! Still, people did feel compassion for the working poor who tried but needed help to live life. Churches should care too, as both OT and NT aver. How much they can affect and have effect is an open question. Churches have often had food and clothing banks. And a non-Pharisaical church is open to any unbeliever nee SINNER, yes Sinner, that is open to the transformational change, love, grace and salvation of the Great God, the Lord Jesus Christ. How much change can be done for the average homeless person, the druggie, the alcoholic, the vicious gang member is also an open question. As a church, we once allowed a homeless person to live on our property to get him on his feet. It was not a happy conclusion. It does take two to tango! That means that unless the unbeliever is also willing to take a chance on Jesus, all the church compassion in the world, just falls by the wayside. Still, the Church must ask all to come and see. Whosoever Will! For years we had a food and clothing bank. Supposedly, salvations took place. But, I never saw any of these people ever get planted in a believing , Christ-centered church. Yet, that is the chance the church takes. Individual believers can or cannot do real salvation, witnessing, helping in their own circle of friends of family. One never knows how the Spirit will lead. What is obvious is, that churches need to show open compassion but must demand in return, some standards of behaviour, such as not breaking American laws. Not getting stoned, or drunk, or keeping in a continual sinful behaviour. Both the bad news and the good news of the Gospel must be taught. Sometimes, one is so shocked about one's lifestyle that tough love finally drives that one into the healing arms of Jesus. Sometimes , it does not.

Monday, April 24, 2006

The ongoing fight between good and evil, right and wrong

While every born again Christian knows that there is a war going on in their atmosphere(mind, body, spirit) as well as the cosmos, they also know that God will eventually win out over evil. The problem is , of course, that people live on this earthly dimension and not The Kingdom of God in the Millenium. Nor is this Augustine's City of God. It is earth. And people live every day in the midst of fear, hate, war, terrorism, gangs, illegality, ethical problems, sickness, Islamofacism, the Mafia, corruption in every strata of society. The Christian has an internal clock that is wound up by God's Spirit that keeps that one on a somewhat steady course even though God is invisible, doesn't run any government, school, or any institution except perhaps the Church Triumphant. And that is a shaky premise to be sure with sin so ripe even in the pastoral quarters or in that of the bureaucracy or councils.So what to do when Jesus says, Follow Me. Obey my commands. It becomes the trust and faith and sheer guts of the follower to pursue Jesus in a world of woe and travail. Internationally, it is much harder since over the last 2000 years, sides, nations, consortiums have asked God to be on their side but not their opponents. Still, there is good vs evil and right vs wrong. There are standards and those are Biblical , both OT and NT which make up a whole lot of Western frameworks for law and order. Citizens of this nation, have laws, foundations, our past, The Constitution, The Bible and many historical precedents which are Godly from which to make judgments. That so many citizens choose evil, sin, wrong doing, is a horrid example of our free will. But there it is. Political parties choose evil and sometimes think it is courage, right, fair, civil, tolerant , and moderate. In fact, those policies can be downright sinful, unpatriotic, dangerous, and undemocratic leading to appeasement, false law, bad law, cultural depravity all in the name of tolerance and fairness. Our nation is in the midst of that decision today. What makes it hard is that all the people, parties, participants and citizens seem so confused, discombobulated and wrongheaded that certain disaster could follow. Appealing to God of course helps in some cases. But, then the Confederacy did that and lost big time! So did the Crusaders. Interpersonal relations with Jesus, one's own spiritual center and other individuals is the basis of the Bible. International equations are far more complex and serious when it comes to war, peace, treason, provocations, murders, treaty obligations, alliances, trust and verify, and pacifism. The Bible is not too clear on this and one craves the Millenium when many think Jesus will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords over this sad, sorry, and sinful planet. When that occurs is a mystery. So, we must carry on individually with faith and justice as well as with patience, courage, and a fervor to never let evil win. Onward Christian Soldiers!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Spell religious again

Oh for heaven's sakes, religion, religious, what shall I ever do?? You know, I dislike the term religion anyhow. At least when it pertains to following Jesus Christ as the Creator-Savior-Only God of the Universe!! Religion seems so stuffy and legalistic. But, then, readers do understand when they read about religion news. At least I pray so. Sorry for the misspelling.

Some interesting religous-type news today

Amazingly enough, the state of Ga. has done two things recently which could be a national example if our leaders had the guts. 1. Ga. has the toughest state laws against illegal immigration. 2. Today, Sonny Perdue signed legislation that did two things: allow the 10 Commandments to be posted near courthouses. And , allow public schools to teach about Biblical information as part of the curriculum. Not bad for a supposedly backwards Southern state, huh? It is about time that states stood up against the leftist, humanist, secular pagans that want to really impose their values on the majority of Americans. Of course, the MSM always proclaims that it is Judeo-Christians who want to impose their values. Oh that it would be so but the fact is, it is liberalism over the last 60 years that has dominated the legislative, educational, and media roost. We shall see if Christians just sit still when the ACLU and other pagan groups come after them when and if Christian schools, hospitals, churches, charities stand up for their own Constitutional rights! Oh, and it appears, according to the LA Times that Cardinal Mahoney, that paragon of virtue when breaking the law over illegal immigration, has lied about how his charges have dealt with abusive priests. I though lying under oath was perjury. Or does that only pertain to former Presidents?????

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Errors abound. I chalk it up to a bad back and sloppiness.

I have reread many of my posts recently. I found many spelling, it looks, errors. Actually, I know how to spell and write very good as far as communication goes. So why the errors? Going too fast for my own good. Pain. Yep, pain as in a bad back; actually fractured. But, sloppiness in the real reason. Going too fast for my own good. Sometimes that applies to our every-day life, doesn't it? We miss the real meaning of life, people, events, friends, family. We never know how much time God gives us. Sloppiness is not an excuse. Jesus was never sloppy. He cared for all the essentials. I pray that for all of us, we will too. If anyone reads these posts, I hope that person will take the time to respond. One never knows just how much one can learn from a response , well thought out and reasoned, seasoned with faith, and serious. Seriously, Happy Easter . Again.

Happy Easter! Now What?

This week the History Channel, Biography, and Discovery all had material on the historical Jesus. Today, in church, AbundantHope in Downey , Ca., our Easter Cantata found Him! People were touched and a overhead presentation showing scenes of Jesus of Nazareth helped us all focus on the Cantata meaning as well as the pastor's forthcoming message. For our church, there is now the ongoing attempt at mininstry, finding the lost who will not or have not taken Jesus' challenge to accept love, grace, salvation, forgiveness to begin a new life while on earth to serve humanity as we serve God. We sent out 5000 brochures. There were really about 7 newcomers. But, the church was filled with families, relatives, friends of church goers. Kids abounded. You could see the faces, feel the reaching out. Only God's Sprit can draw people while at the same time, the individual churches, and members-attenders must reach out to other via their own experience with the Living Lord.It is an old, old story and no gimmicks really save people. Jesus' blood sacrifice 2000 years ago saves people not only from their sins but death, hell and separation from heavn. So what now? Well, personally I don't know. God will have to direct the new young evangelist who is now senior pastor. We all await that direction. As the old pastor, I do too. This is a great day but the battle and war against sin, horror, death, evil and Satan go on and on. We have the Commander in Chief though who can lead the church militant. We will still have to do good, fight evil, stand up for righteousness. We will still have to vote, stand for truth and justice. We may have to get our hands dirty before Jesus comes again. But, that is OK. He will clean us and others up just as He has done for 2000 years.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

So what is Abundant Hope?

Abundant Hope Christian Center is a very small church in Downey, Ca. For almost 19 years, I pastored it as Living Hope. Living Hope and Abundant Hope stand for that hope that only Jesus Christ can give to humanity. The hope= the chance for eternal forgiveness, eternal salvation, eternal life with those who have followed the One Eternal God, Creator and Savior of the entire univers, Jesus Christ. Yet, right here on earth, that God promised abundant life too. That doesn't mean a life without pain, frustration, evil, hurts, ups and downs. It does mean that within all those horrors, a follower of Jesus can stand withing the hurricane, tornado, tsunami of life's distress. A young pastor, his wife who sings like a bird, is trying to move into our community with this hope and life. I stick around to support them and the congregation that I have loved for all those years. But, my time is almost over. Not because of any real personal horror but the new pastor needs to see just what running a church, expanding a fellowship, making decisions, paying the bills, meeting the community all by himself. He will be able to do it and this Sunday, he and his wife and others are actually presenting an old fashioned Easter cantata. Recently I fractured my lumbar area of my back. I feel and walk like old man Mose. But, I really want to see , hear, pray, and worship while rejoicing at our Easter service. I sure hope others will come to our church on Easter. But, if they go to other churches, PTL. We need a march of believers to overwhelm all those marchers this week for something illegal, immigration. We need Christian marchers going to celebrate Jesus' resurrection with greater numbers than all those fanatical Islamofacists who are bombing innocent women, kids and civilians. This is the time to go to church to show pagans, non-believers, Islamofacists, crooks, and all evil-doers that an act done over 2000 years ago still holds more loyalty than any fad, the latest ism or ideology that our world can throw up against God's abundant and living hope!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Easter Week and confusing ethics we all face

Easter week is here but as I stated before, the MSM is already denigrating Jesus and the historical fact of the even we call the Passion Week and the Resurrection.In this same week we have seen thousands of illegal immigrants, possible law breakers, students out of school, leftist blog writers, leftist unions, and foreign agitators marching asking other legal Americans including many legal immigrants to simply accept them without laws, health care, education, public safety, terror, and national sovereignty concerns! Now we hear leftists cry out, what would Jesus do? And we have Cardinal Mahoney pontificating along with Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy how Jesus is asking America to accept all these law breakers who after all in their view, are just visitors that we Americans here should be hospitable to without any strings. Democrats have needs a religious niche to gather the religious vote and they think they have one here in this illegal immigrant issue. All in all, Congressional tin ears and ones who really want all these illegal voters to put them into power are not operating as if Easter, Christianity or hospitality is the real foundation for these marches and rhetoric that flows out day after day and night after night. Oh and btw, Iran said today that uranium is about ready to be put in nuclear weapons and just in time for Easter week. Some religion of peace Huh??? Dispite that, Happy Easter and go to services all week. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and surely one of the many Easter services. Jesus can actually overcome all these evil happenings. This writer has had quite a lot of pain, bruising, scrapes, swelling in my back and shoulder after a fall in the steam room in a gym. Yet, for once in my life, before I fainted or ground my teeth on Poor Me, the Lord actually saved my life though my body will not recover for weeks. Jesus was there in that steam room. He will be with our nation if we take His wisdom into our decision making on many of these national issues. Even if we don't, Jesus will still be Risen and Victorious over all our confusion!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Undoing real evil

Soon it will be Palm Sunday and then , of course, Easter. More and more media make claims that Jesus was never resurrected and that Easter is just a dead, pagan holiday that now schools call Spring Break. That is a real evil in our society. It undermines our historical past when a more united society was not over-run by ruthless PC multiculturalism which has balkanized our nation. Our church will have some serious but uplifting Easter music in a choir presentation. We believe in teaching and preaching the truth to show the love and grace for the universal and only God, Jesus Christ. Still, there will be media outlets who will present as much doubt as they can trash up. The Gospel of Judas just happened to come out recently! Every year, either Time or the NYTimes comes up with the Jesus never died bit. Then too, we have the illegal immigration issue being put as one that if one doesn't want to honor law breakers, that one is the really immoral one and the real law breaker. That too is pure nonsence, but when Cardinal Mahoney and Hillary Clinton say it, it must cower all the rest of us into shutting up! NOT! Easter is a time to do good, proclaim good works, and to yet present the free offer of eternal forgiveness for all human errors, sins, evil and horrors. Only Jesus can promise that and that is a historical fact and presentation. Millions of people have been changed for the better by this claim and reality. Islam, Hinduism, Budhism, atheism cannot make that claim. Oh people will rant and rave about the Crusades, but that is hundreds of years past. Christianity has done more to benefit humanity than all the religions and governments in world history. It is the foundation of liberty, freedom, good works, hospitality, charity that has made our nation great. Too bad that Europe, which is dying spiritually, so many critics in our own nation, and even some in the Church today cannot see that reality. Nothing good can or will be done unless good men do it. For centuries, all because of Jesus in their lives, good men have been doing good. Thank God.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

No good deed goes unpunished

Over the last 50 years, Christians have done great work in mission work, building hospitals, clinics, schools, health care places. Yet, in the Third World, they are constantly under attack; even getting themselves killed. Whether it is Islamos, terrorists of other brands, Christians are under attack. And in our own nation, there is a real media war on Christ and Christianity. City councils often punish Christian churches in land, sign, tax , parking matters. Yet, the Church presses on. Even a small-fry church like ours continues to push on trying to convince the community that churches are not the enemies of the populace but their neighbors and friends. Sure, Christians make mistakes in communication and fellowship but with all the snits and foul-ups, the Christian community is still the best thing for a free society like ours here in America. Home schooling is hugely supported by Christians. It was the Christian Church which really ended slavery in this nation. It built schools and libraries. It built hospitals here too. Then too we have many of the new media who support Christianity as far as family values and ethics. There are many , many Christian bloggers not only on spiritual issues, but on economic, educational and political issues. Talk Radio has many Christian supporters. Still, the Left in this nation keep attacking Christian speakers, churches, bloggers, and politicians. Films, TV, media all seem to punish Christians for just being Christian . But, some of these people forget that Christians also vote. This is an election year. Secularism, leftism, may be surprised if Christians go out and vote to stop the downward spiral and punishment of our nation's values, foundations, and ethics. Of course, Christians could also not vote. Thereby giving the opponents of the Church free reign to impose their values on America. That would be a disaster!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Another attempt to reach non-Christians

Over the last 2 decades, Christians have been using Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Chuck Smith, and many other suggestions from solid spiritual people in the Church world on how to reach out to non-Christians.Some fear that there is a watered-down Christianity which is 'thin or soft on Jesus'. Some wonder if Jesus is really the only way to salvation , eternal life and a changed personality and character for real life situations.God is an infinite, wise, loving God. He deals with every person and church on an individual basis. Perhaps He uses a person in healthcare situations. Or in stores, at the job, on the freeways, as well as in church offerings. He often uses people in varied ways which seem to many people very controversial or unusual to say the least as say Bikers for Christ, or Store-Front Church, or even a Food and Clothing Bank. Some have tried Friendship evangelism. Some advertize . Some give free concerts, seminars, dances, Singles' meetings. The point is, contact, communication on every and all fronts is a necessity so the community sees that Churches are not their enemies and that the introduction of a loving and saving universal God is an act of love for humanity. Our church has tried over the years every one of these actions. Some have worked , some have failed. But, the Church is NOT in it for the money as so many critics claim. At least the Church which really believes that only a real life changing relationship with the God of the Universe, Jesus Christ is the most loving gift it can give to any listeners or watchers. It is not easy, nor always successful. But, if God doesn't use, say our group, He will find another to share His love and grace. I pray, have prayed for over 19 years as I have been a pastor at our church for outreach success. Now with a new pastor at our church, I wish him the same success even when things don't go well . You know if it rains, if people leave church without telling the staff, if gossip starts, if people don't give of their time, talent and treasure, all these things discourage pastors and even other church attenders. Still, the rain rains and the suns shine on all occassions, bad or good. The problem of contacting and keeping new believers not only for God's Kingdom and for their own eternity and life's betterment will go on and on. Hanging in their with the only God who is worth real adoration is an old chestnut, but after being in the Church world for decades, it is my only punditry and suggestion that makes much sense. Of course, it would help if God would also by His own power bring believers to every Christian Church. Many of the world's problems might be alieviated if the churches were filled with real believers rather than living a life of quiet desparation!