
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Another month, more moral, ethical and political questions

Well, here we are in the summer, almost! And still the ethical questions of national importance continue. Where do believers go for answers? Oh, of course, the Bible. But, the Bible deals with generalized as well as specific sins. It also avoids much, except in the OT, on national sins. One of my favorites, Francis Schaefer wrote a book, How then shall we live. He also wrote on dealing with the ages of humanity and the varied religious and secular philosophies that were the hall marks of each age. What would he have though of the 21st Century and the rise of Islamofacism vs Judeo-Christian Western ideology vs Secular-Leftist-Liberal Humanism?? The complexities are so varied and subtle as well as right out in the open with evil vs good that no wonder many people are confused today.Our brave military is in another mess via the media and assorted leftist critics over a supposed Marine murder spree against civies in Iraq. Then too, there have been the varied House reps , both Dem and Republican who are outright crooks. Some have been dealt with and some have been outrightly EXCUSED. Some are saying that the criminal way that illegal immigrants have gained ground in America and now through an absurd Senate bill overlooking even Social Security frauds as well as other assorted crimes, is just another example of a moral morass in our nation. The dictator of Iran is looking for the Mahdi, a figure of appocalyptic magic to defeat Israel and the Western democracies including the USA. Many Christians are looking forward to the Second Coming of Christ to make all things right. It will be interesting and life changing to see whether the Bible's story is fulfilled before evil enters into the world with its own version of the Anti-Christ. Either way, I myself want to solve these issues here and now but I realize that in reality, God's way in Christ will be the final resolution of all earthly evil. . The question is , how long will this struggle go on. I am praying that good Christian workers all over the world will keep evil at bay for many years to come. Yet, I also harbor in my heart the desire to see Christ end evil and sin now.

Monday, May 29, 2006


Today, President Bush and General Peter Pace were at Arlington , Va. to remember the past sacrifices for freedom from our dead veteran soldiers. It was somber and necessary. Freedom is never for free. The Bible says God will fight our battles. What is forgotten is that God often uses nations and the military to really fight battles against evil. That was true in WWII and now in the battle against God's enemy, as well as ours, Islamofacism.There are memorials for past deeds. Just like Easter is a memorial. Christmas is a memorial. We need memorials. We need to remember past deeds, events, people who were brave, Godly, right and impactful. Tomb-stones are sort of memorials. I wonder what many will say about our generation; about me, about the Church. Will our generation be remembered for its bravery in standing not only for God but for freedom, liberty, and righteousness?? I wonder.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Morality and ethics in the recent news

Some thoughts on morality in the news hit me today when I found out about the mountain climber who was left to die as many marched around him on their way to climb Mt. Everest. Sort of a Good Samaritan story. One is not able to completely get the entire story as we find out how unprepared the climber was and how an amputee seems to be the one who actually helped him with oxygen. Perhaps there will be blogs which will deal with this story. I hope so. Does mountain climbing obviate morality? Some media reports seems to think so.. Then there was the Senate disaster called a bill on illegal immigration. Of course, no one wants to use that term. Better to give millions upon millions law breakers amnesty and say it isn't while our nation continues to be invaded as if borders, law, health, public safety, Social Security, housing infrastructure doesn't or should not matter to the USA!!!! What moral issues could be brought up here on this discussion? How bout a vote to get 12 million more voters for some political party?? Talk about motivations! Then we had Harry Reid tell Americans that to make English our national language was racist. So, nearly 300 million people are called racist because English happens to be the language of choice for most of them in work, home, business, church, media. Makes one wonder just what most people think the meaning of morality and ethics are. Perhaps if liberal secularism win out in this nation, the Judeo-Christian foundation of our country will be silenced forever. I wonder how much joy that would give to the media, some politicans and some university elites?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Should the President by Godly?

Yep, he or she should. Just a quick comment on this. Ann Coulter has a book commenting on liberal views of religion which end up actually matching secularism. President Bush is a Christian. Good for him. I would rather have a Godly President than one who thinks like the Left in Europe: religioness on all topics including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our whole enterprise has much of the Judeo-Christian influences still in it on a daily level. The attacks on God, Jesus, the Bible , as Fox's John Gibson wrote always brings quick money for the attacker. So true. There are so many issues that a President or a Rep from the Senate or House faces that deal with moral persuasions and complexity. The atheist, the secular humanist, the agnostic simply cannot bring to the table of ideas any of the historical-foundational facts, events, history, and even sayings or writings that the person bathed in a religious setting with our unique American undertone. Does Bush make mistakes? Sure he does and I have questioned some policies. But, I would rather have him in charge of this nation than a Putin, a Chirac, a Chavez, a Castro, or the recent Chi-Com President who just visited the USA. A person's spiritual foundation , in fact, as we have found out from Washington, Adams, Lincoln, Reagan, even Wilson ( though he is not a fave of mine), even Carter( who is the worst President of the 20th Century=maybe even worse than Harding) and most obviously Bush, just how these men have thought and acted because of their character molded by a Godly input. Sometimes not always the wisest decisions were made but at least we can see in retrospective how they met problems with a spirit sharpened by their view of the Almighty. What will be interesting is how this will play out if a woman becomes President. Or our first minority leader. Will God be a driving force in their decisions if and when elected President???

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Is blasphemy just routine in America today?

Seems that Madonna like to sing being crucified on a giant cross nowadays. And the audience just titters and cheers. Militant homosexuals mock the church and Jesus in parades. Movies do it as a routine shocker and get praised for their 'bravery'. Books are always making fun and mocking God, Evangelicals, or any brand of real Christians as just cultural and even dangerous boobs and rubes from the sticks.Blasphemy is on the rise and is being accepted by lots of young people because they have no history or cultural understanding of the historic foundations of this nation. Dennis Prager recently wrote an article on why college youths take liberal stances on anti-God views . Their profs are just as silly and absurd in their intellectual stances on God, intelligent design, Creation, the Judeo-Christian world view and kids just parrot these ideas with no clue as to just how the Judeo-Christian world view has shaped America. Is it worse than in past decades or centuries. Well, if one views sheer numbers as being brainwashed by secularists and leftists serious, the answer is YES. More numbers impact more people in more areas in a generation of science, communication, satellites, phones , TV etc. Thank God for Talk Radio; Thank God for Christian Blogs and people who want to defend the Judeo-Christian world view. Thank God for solid Christ-centered churches that still exist in this nation. The Church is not gaining in respect but under either obvious or subtle persecution, Christians actually seem to be more serious in spreading the Gospel of Christ and aiding society whether society recognizes it or not!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Why aren't Christians portrayed on TV programs?

I will admit, I like some TV programs. I love sports, I love HD stuff such as shown on Discovery, but I also like adventure, shootemups. 24, Lost, Alias, NCIS and some of the BBC mystery-dectective programs plus AE dectective stuff like Midsomer Mystery, Sherlock Holmes, Perot. But, while watching them , I like others do not see many spiritual-minded people represented in the story lines. Especially in American scenarios. If there are really 100,000,000 Christians in the USA, where are stories showing Protestant as well as Catholic or Jewish religious people? Hollywood has for years given us Catholic or Jewish stories with some sympathy until recently. However, Protestants, in the majority here in America , show up as buffoons or con artists. No stories of mega-churches, no stories of regular blue collar Christians, kids as Christians. I mean ,7th Heaven , is even done and that compromised with its Christian underpinings over the last 4 years. No Christ centered lives there. Nowadays, everybody is so guilty of being a Christian that multiculturalism, multireligions are the rage. It seems people in America, the media, the university elites, the TV and film elites are so guilty about our make-up that they have to dismiss the Protestant Evangelical Christian foundations as biased or whacko but surely not really American!!! Let's push gay agendas, let's push open borders as if America is the world's Uncle Sucker and we better all undermine our Constitution and values, let's ban capital punishment, let's ban all guns, let's ban, ban, ban anything which Americans hold dear. That is what the media and TV and film push. So no wonder 100,000,000 Americans are dismissed.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Morality and the President's speech on IMMIGRATION.

Of course, when anyone talks or writes about immigration today, they seem to forget to use the nomenclature of illegal immigration. For it is not immigration per se that people oppose, but illegal immigration. It is a moral issue, not only because of the law breaking but the fact that immigrants who use the legal, proper channels are put in the back of the line all for the politically correct ideal that illegals somehow have a moral superiority. It is like saying that the 'poor' in general are morally superior. Sure, Jesus and the Bible demands that people not discriminate against people just because they are poor but nothing is ever said that the poor per se are morally superior. Nor are illegal immigrants. I don't look for much from the President. He is not, according to rumor, putting great numbers of border control officials on the borders and just using some National Guard patrols will not do the job. We shall see. But, frankly I am tired of the malarky that these 'poor' illegals somehow are justified in flooding our nation, storming our borders and legal immigrants and citizens should just sit still, bite their tongues and allow this flood to keep coming. Talk about morality.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mom's Day and their men or lack thereof

Sure, Sun. is Mom's day. But, will churches just give Proverbs 31 as the scripture or will they also remind the congregation that while mom is usually the foundation of many families, it is men who need to be just that! Perhaps in June on Father's Day, these sermons will attend to that. I think that men need to continually remind their wives that they love them as the Bible tells them to. Women who work, have kids, tend the home ,love their husbands are jewels to be shined, kept safe and be adored. Men and women in so many cases in 2006 seem to live independent lives. The Bible warns against such separation. Women already make up most of church membership through-out America. We need strong, Christ-like men to be the warrior, priests, caretakers of their families and women can kindly remind them of that. When it works together, the Christ-like family, including kids who actually are taught Biblical values and live them , can be the most powerful item for good in our nation. Bless Mom but remind Dad that he is an important cog in keeping Mom, the kids, and the unit in a blessed tie with the Creator-Father-God-Savior of the Universe.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Leftist religious people and the MSM and Iran

Can you imagine anyone with common sense , spiritual sense with a Judeo-Christian foundation believing anything this nutter in Iran writes or says? Yet, an 18-page rambling insane missive to the White House is actually being accepted as truth my the liberal-leftist MSM as well as the usual suspects in the Democrat liberal Party; i.e. such as Di-Fi on California. That leftists of any stripe can actually think this Iranian killer and spreader of Islamofacist terror throughout the entire world has any credibility shows much about our MSM and our educational systems. When people forget history, forget the facts of terror, murder, invasions, bombs blowing up kids and women all over the world and forget the fact that Iran cannot be trusted and could not be trusted since the time of Jimmy Carter, we know our culture is in trouble. Perhaps Ann Coulter's claim that our leftist religious groups, most of the MSM and the politicians who excoriate Christianity is indeed correct and that means our culture is seething with anti-American as well as anti-Biblican, anti-Judeo-Christian bias and hatred. Now we need the MSM to admit that so much of America wakes up to that reality.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The news is good and bad.

Funny how the news is both good and bad for America's citizens. There is a lot of spiritual confusion in America. People conflate their views of life and their philosohies of life ( see spiritual) with daily news. Happy or unhappy?? A good life or just middling or really bad???? People do not like to hear any news that seems confident in its assertion. Perhaps that is why Christianity has so many enemies. Christians actually believe that Jesus, the Bible and salvation and humanity's absolute need for reconciliation with the Universal Creator God because of human sin. That offends a lot of people. People see that taxes, war, AIDS, any other evil seems to take away from God's honor, sovereignty and reality. That is too bad since even spiritual people somehow always seem to withold absolution of guilt from that Creator God! We need to repent from that idea. I need to do so too. I do not understand all the comings of and goings or plans of the Biblical God. But, somehow something tells me inside of my personal human spirit, that God is good and is doing , directing, helping, forgiving, and showing that He is good and pure. Again, this confounds and confuses many Americans who nowadays seem to divide their everyday life from that that could be directed by this loving God if they only would allow Him. Two things happened just in the last week that contribute to this confusion. Last Thursday was the National Day of Prayer and was not very well attended nation-wide. But, last Saturday, our church was at the local Street Faire and found many people receptive to prayer and our info on the Lord Jesus. How that works out in their lives, only God and those affected will tell. Still, people are not quite ready to write off the Biblical God. Many Americans and many of America's enemies would love to see that happen. When and if it ever does, will be the end of American liberty, freedom, justice, grace, and generosity since the Judeo-Christian ethos is the basis of that type of foundation. Yes, I know that offends secular liberals, but it true , nevertheless.

Monday, May 01, 2006

May 1, illegality, and so-called Christian compassion.

Look, the fact that some loony Christians actually think that it is Biblical to approve of illegality all in the name of the Good Samaritan compassion story, has some pull, is a sad story on this weird day of boycotts and marches and protests. Illegal is illegal. Period. This is a nation of laws and just laws at that! We are not a totalitarian state. People actually force politicians here to change laws via elections. This question of whether our nation has a right to have its own borders is absurd on the surface. Of course, Christians should be compassionate to suffering people, the poor, but to actually help them to break our nation's laws when the Bible says nothing about this issue because of some mixed up ideology, is not just. So what to do? Churches should be asking Mexico and other Latin areas to make life more just and free for their own people. It is not the job of America to be the world's welfare drop off area! This is a nation which does more compassionate work on not only mission fields, but in all global evils, tragedies, and natural disasters. Christians have built more hospitals, schools, libraries, than one can count! I can say to the world, I love these illegals but will not allow them to unfairly break the nation's laws, put themselves in a position where legal immigrants take a back seat, and will also remind them that filling our jails, our schools, health care facilities without stoppage, is not our duty to Christian hospitality. This nation has processes. They are not evil. They, in fact ,promote freedom and liberty. False compassion for law breakers is not Christian; it is leftist mau mauing all in the name of some fluffy 'we love everybody, including Stalin,Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, Bin Laden and will allow anyone another chance.' Sounds nice, huh? Except those fellows would never accept Christ or follow just laws and would ,in fact, kill even the mushy so-called Christian love that some put forward as true Christianity. Today, love them all and go out and buy American. Make sure you are polite but make sure you appreciate those Hispanic workers who do show up for work. They deserve our praise.