
Friday, July 29, 2005

The Court, the War, the Culture

Here we go again. The lying Schumer leftist Dems are already trying to Bork poor Judge Roberts. It is shameless. The Pubs better defend Roberts and not let the MSM media lies prevail this time. It is the same with the war against terror. Bob Herbert today wrote of the 'Iraq debacle'. This too is a lie. Schools and universities are teaching that the Judeo-Christian world view is imperialistic, radical, intolerant, bad for kids. Another lie. Yet the media goes hand in hand with this. Radicalism from the Left, though defeated at the Voting Polls, seems to be on the rise again. Our culture is worse off for this Leftist series of outrage. The Left is intolerant of religion in our culture and poor Judge Roberts will be tarred and feathered over this too. We are in more wars than we need to be. The war on terror is not one of those. It is the constant war against conservative courts, judges and opinions and the war against the American culture of traditional free enterprise capitalism and democratic-republicanism that should be stopped. Ask the Schumer-Kennedy-Leahy-Rangel-Jackson Lee Dems to stop them at once! What a refreshing time in America that would be!

Friday, July 15, 2005

The SCOTUS, Rove and the War

I just wanted to remark on 3 things before the weekend. 1. I am surprised and a bit disappointed that the Chief Justice is NOT resigning. Thus giving the Prez a chance to appoint two justices. The Chief keeps going in the hospital but pride now has clouded his judgment as to when to retire. Perhaps , since he is lonely, and feels that only his job now matters, he is not going to resign before they drag him out. Still, he ought to know that this may be the last time for many years that a Republican can actually put two ,perhaps 3 younger justices on the Court to affect our nation for years to come. Hopefully for an 'originalist' outcome!

2. From what I read and hear, John Gibson on Fox News just said that Karl Rove should be given a medal as he stands against all these leftist lies, the Rove kerfuffle is about over. Let us hope so. The Left, Dems, have just about worn us all out with all of the Plame, Wilson, Senate-Dem lies as well as the NYTimes and Wash. Post flacking. Enough is enough. Frankly, I hope that it is Wilson who is the subject of Fitzgerald's probe.

3. I loved Victor David Hanson's brilliant article, Our war against the War. It showed me just what, and how the Bush Admin. should defend this war. It is too bad that the GOP just cannot defend this righteous war against Islamofacism. They ought to hire Hanson as Press-Sec.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Sickness of the Left that is like cancer to the USA

Well, now it is Plame-Wilson again. Then Malveaux comes out on Sean's program and goes nuts. The NY Times seems like the old Soviet Pravda. The Dem Senators look like the Chinese PRC old men. It is sickening. On and on their hatred for Bush, America, capitalism, democracy as defined by Rove, Cheney, or Scalia. I mean it gets sickening trying to keep up with the Left's hatred, lies, spin, hysteria. Everyday it becomes clearer how they live in an alternative universe of reality. They blast Christianity and Judaism as shown in the Air Force Academy , Israel, the Bush Admin., and Evangelical power at the voting booth. They apologize for Islamofacism and then when called on it, gasp, lie again, and sputter that Republicans, Christians are the real terrorists. It is Alice in Wonderland. They act like a cancer infecting the body politic and act as if they are the wonder drug to cure our society. Instead, like staph, they spread and give us all gangrene and disase. It is getting so sick that it now has provided many Americans with what I call an Epidemic of Tiredness. Tired of all the lying, all the propaganda, the anti-Americanism, the polluted airwaves and media outlets like the Post, Globe,Times etc. Personally, I hope the voters punish these dolts once again in 2006. And I hope that the Left stops its psychotic effort to undermine the religious foundation of this nation: which is Judeo-Christian Western worldview. Period. Not Muslim, not multicultural, not Leftist. Their sickness is making me sick.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Terror, the economy, bits from yesterday's non-post

Well once again, the script did not come through. But, I wanted to ruminate on the attack against Britain, our great economic growth and the Bush winning war against Islamofacism.

The British will always show Churchill's moxy. They may be mod, or secular, or socialist but they will never give up London or their isle to tyrants. Never. And I pray that the USA shows, keeps showing that type of moxy that Reagan and now Bush have shown.

Our economic growth was near 5% last month. Housing starts were up. Jobs were in excess of 140,000 newly formed. Restaurant goers were at an all time high. The Market responded justly. The Bush economy since 2001 has created nearly 4 million new jobs. The Dem-lefties are in a lather about it. Just as they accuse Blair-Bush for the Iraq, terror, war; they say these jobs are not really the sponsorship of Bush economic ideas. No matter what Bush has done, will do, the Dem-lefties will dispise him, obstruct him and damn him. Even at the expense of our national security and economic growth. Hugh Hewitt has on his blog great excertpts from Chris Hitchens on the war against terror. I await other blogs commenting on our great economic rebound. I think Hannity.com already has some of that material. Take a look.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Hope for our economy, nation, war against terrorism

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Additions to July 4th

Unfortunately, the copy never came through my last blog attempt. We had a great 4th of July. A party, a great TV program on PBS from the Mall, and our appreciation of freedom and liberty all came to fruition. PBS usually is so anti-American but not with this program. The leftist Senate surely has been un-American in its stances against anything Bush proposes and anyone nominates. It goes on and on. Yet, freedom has prospered even in the two ME states we freed. As the court nominations come about, freedom will be proposed in those people. Wait and see. America will be proud of the new nominations. The 4th showed me that America is still strong and wants to keep freedom strong here and in areas where dangers counter our brave military.

There was a sadness, a day later. A church friend, Roy Perez had a major stroke. He is really in bad shape. He is, was, a great friend on our church, our nation and our free enterprise system. He believes in freedom and faith. If God wants him home, so be it, but I am praying that Roy gets well dispite the odds. Losing good people, if Roy dies, is now something that happens to people my age quite often. Yet, our nation remains free and optimistic. Even in war, even in sickness, even in death. My prayer is for Roy and the USA today to stay well and remain. free.

A great 4th, a sad day afterwards

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Pain, sacrifice, sermon on July 3,2005

I had the good fortune and blessing to preach a sermon today, before our national holiday, on National and Individual Pain. Romans 8:21-28 was the context but the point for me and for the listeners was based on how pain can be a real pain, but also beneficial . Nationally, it has produced our freedom, sad to say through necessary wars. We all face physical, emotional and spiritual pain throughout our lives or at least many of us do. From that , we can help others going through the same discomfort and depression. Jesus did it for us. And people have two choices from that sacrifice and fact. Either go into eternity, dispite pain, with joy and freedom from sin and eternal death or go into darkness and eternal pain, dead in our sins and apart from the Light of the Creator-Savior God, Jesus Christ.Most of us have never suffered for our faith in America. But, that time may be coming as hatred for the Judeo=Christian worldview, Jesus Himself, and Christians in general explode across our nation and world. I thank God for God's own pain in freeing us from eternal death if we will only rely on Jesus' actions. I thank God for the pain and sacrifice of all those Americans from our Revolution on who have suffered , died, suffered and sacrificed for me as my wife and I eat our 4th of July BBQ and watch the program from the Washington DC Mall . Perhaps in the near future, we will have to suffer pain as we stand for Christ. We have a great assembly of saints here in America and through out the world to learn from and hopefully copy.