
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Is treason in the air via the MainStreamMedia: the Times etc.?

In the last few days, there have been publications from very liberal media outlets which have exposed our government's secret ways to track down the money used by the Islamofacists; Al Queda, Iran et al. The NYTimes, LA Times, Washington Post have a record of being loose with secrets that protect our military, our spies, our officials fighting America's enemies. We are in WWIII against Islamofacism. The media doesn't seem to understand that. The Democrat Party does not seem to understand that. The Congressional Democrats do not seem to understand that. One is always close to the fact that these people above are close to being Quislings, traitors, and if not, are so stupid and so dense that national security does not seem to be on the radar at all. There are also so called religious liberals who believe that too. They believe, like Murtha, the Times and other media outlets that America is the focal part of world evil. One wonders what alternative universe they live in! One also wonders if the public will look into its very soul and realize that we may have insiders within our own nation who just do not respect democracy, capitalism, the freedoms and liberties that America protects except those which undermine America! None dare call it treason. I do!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

There they go again

Well, the Presbyterian Church USA and the Episcopal Church USA have once again decided to one-up the Lord God. Since Jesus is not even the only way to a heavenly eternity via salvation by grace and His precious blood, the churches decided to label what is not sin. Yep, they mentioned that sin is in the eye of the beholder. After all, gays were created by God so they could love the same gender. No big deal. So what that both the OT and NT decry that view. Love , love and the Beattles song seems to be the cultural bent these two looney churches want to follow. Both have female heads of their organizations. Feminism will now become a Biblical injunction. Beastly men will be blasted for war monering. It was a wink and a nod in a vote to NOT CONDEMN ISRAEL as the Presbyies wanted to do for the last few years. No condemnation of Islamofacism , of course. These two churches are becoming so wacky leftists that the souls and spirits of their communicants must be viewed as being in danger of hell-fire themselves!!! If Biblical faith in Christ via the power of the Holy Spirit is not an issue for them, how can the congregations build their faith in the Biblical Saviour?? Their leaders are leading them down the pathway of dark, cold, aloneness from the Loving God that they parrot. Cal Thomas has a good column on this today in townhall.com. Others, I am sure, will follow with columns questioning the theism of these two silly inane churches. No wonder that conservative churches are growing in attendance and that the Mainlines are losing up to 50,000 members a year. That they dare call themselves Christian is just another question that they should be asked!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Lessons that American dads and others could learn.

Yesterday, I had the fun and faith to preach about Father's Day. The insights came from Luke 15 and the model father. I noted how many families do not have dads at home and how many minors are in jail sans fathers. I looked around the news and found that Congress had 150 people vote for defeat in our war against Islamofacism in Iraq. Not a good model for kids. I saw that some teachers are seducing their students. Not a good model for kids. I noted that a book called 'The War against Boys', states that feminism is hurting the modeling that boys need to be men, leaders, lovers, and motivators. Where are out models today? Dads should be able to take care of their wives and families. They must be responsible for their actions. Take a look at our young men in the Middle East and we see great brave role models. Amazingly how they stick it out instead of cutting and running against evil. We sure cannot look to many of our sports millionaires to be our kids role models. Sex, drugs, and rocknroll are not good role models. Metrosexuals are not good role models. Perhaps we ought to go back to the tried and true. See the father in Luke 15. He has pretty good characteristics to lead our children even today!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Upcoming Father's Day celebrations

It is a wonder that soon, Sun., will be a celebration of Father's Day. Yet, the militant feminists are on record that Dads are not needed to make a strong family statement. We also have the gay marriage issue where two mommies or two daddies can be put forward as normal and good for kids. Stats say today that broken families have missing dads in as many over 50 % of divorces; some say 70%. Some say that kids in prison are the direct result of Dad missing from the family unit. But, we are all told that we are stick in the mud thinkers if we want the traditional nuclear family to still exist. The Bible gives some advice which liberal humanist secularists hate. Luke 15 also gives a view at the model father in the one who welcomes back the Prodigal Son. There are also some good books out which show what is known as 'the war against boys' in this nation. Not only in schools, but in psychiatric treatments or studies. God the Father must be very sad. Not being a blood father, I too am sad. I know that I perhaps would have never made a really good dad. I was too much into work and other pursuits. But, I am glad I can be a step-dad and and step-grandfather. I seem to be a better grandad than I thought. I even have been sharing lessons with 5-6 yr. olds over the last two years in our church pre-school. I can see the love in the kids eyes. They need both a mom and a dad to grow into balanced kids. No study, no gay rights movement, no political shananigans will convince me that the Bible's view of a model father is not the right pursuit for every man who has a committed marriage and has kids. That was God's plan from the very start of creation.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Today, Good actually defeats Evil.

Odd is it not that so many leftists in America cannot see that today in Iraq, Good defeated Evil with the termination of Zarquawi. It is amazing that people cannot see that executing evil murderers like Zar., is a good thing. Far better for these leftist critics to blame America, blame America, even blame God or , of course, Bush who believes in God, as more evil than Zar. This is delusional. Evil is evil and when the Senate cannot make marriage defined as between a man and a woman, nor can leftists in America understand that Zar's death is a good thing, there is alot of moral confusion in America. Common sense as well as spiritual sense seems to be missing from these people. When a Manson, a Gacy, a Capone, a Hitler, a Mao -type are captured and executed, that is a good thing. It is even Biblical though leftists cannot bear that to be true. Leftist secularism seems to think Godliness is the real evil. Actually, it is leftist secularism that is evil and allows some of the worst moral issues to fester: no capital punishment, abortion on demand, pacifism as long as the US military cannot strike back, gay marriage, porn, no 10 Commandments. All of these items are good to and for the leftists. Their moral center is abolished and as we view society today, it is one of the reasons our children are so morally confused!

Today, Good actually defeats Evil.

Odd is it not that so many leftists in America cannot see that today in Iraq, Good defeated Evil with the termination of Zarquawi. It is amazing that people cannot see that executing evil murderers like Zar., is a good thing. Far better for these leftist critics to blame America, blame America, even blame God or , of course, Bush who believes in God, as more evil than Zar. This is delusional. Evil is evil and when the Senate cannot make marriage defined as between a man and a woman, nor can leftists in America understand that Zar's death is a good thing, there is alot of moral confusion in America. Common sense as well as spiritual sense seems to be missing from these people. When a Manson, a Gacy, a Capone, a Hitler, a Mao -type are captured and executed, that is a good thing. It is even Biblical though leftists cannot bear that to be true. Leftist secularism seems to think Godliness is the real evil. Actually, it is leftist secularism that is evil and allows some of the worst moral issues to fester: no capital punishment, abortion on demand, pacifism as long as the US military cannot strike back, gay marriage, porn, no 10 Commandments. All of these items are good to and for the leftists. Their moral center is abolished and as we view society today, it is one of the reasons our children are so morally confused!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Look at Pollhost.com

Today, I did something I have wanted to do for a bit. I put up a poll for Christians. It is on Pollhost.com. It asks the question, Should Christians stick with the Republican Party in November? There have been much to do about how Democrats NEED religious voters. That seems to mean that Democrats today, the party of leftist secularists, does not have many Judeo-Christian believers in the Party. It happens that the Gop has had a majority of these above believers for the last 20 years. This began in force during the Reagan years and has moved more with the '94 Gingrich House Revolution . But, now, many believers are wondering just what do the parties represent. Who stands for Biblical values? Ann Coulter has a new book out on Liberal Gods and they sure don't look like the Biblical God. The Gop has some values that believers like but there are many issues such as illegal immigration, nuke aid to Iran to bribe them into peace!!!!!!, a huge budget deficit which seem to go against religious values. So what do voters do if they are believers? Frankly, I cannot ever support candidates who are liberal secularists on the many issues that face this nation. I cannot support any pol who doesn't believe in the 10 Commandments. I cannot support any pol who doesn't realize that Islamofacism is downright evil and must be opposed. Whether this will be so in November for other voters is still a large question.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Voting on June 6 by Judeo-Christian believers, voters

The Bible is often quoted to keep , yes keep voters from voting. You know, Render unto whatever ruler was present on a national coin, and render unto God any so-called spiritual issues. But, Romans cites that governments are actually created to protect its citizens from evil, criminals and invaders. Many of the early writers, politicians, and thinkers not only in England but in the new United States, used spiritual reasons for Constitutional Government and for citizens to keep that document and its government free, just and as one way wrote (paraphrasing it), ' if you want to keep your democracy, you , you will have to keep it.' Inferring that you might even have to fight for it as well as being a good citizen by voting. As years went by, Americans were reminded from the pulpit as well as from the media, politicians and other thinkers that it was a duty to vote. Some pastors even told their congregations that God demanded that they vote! What a difference today! But, frankly, I believe as well as note the historical record, that American citizens with especially a Judeo-Christian world-view should be out there June 6 and then again in November, to cast their votes. How should they decide to vote? Aside from Party loyalty, what type of things should voters look for in their candidates? 1. Are they against murder and want government to punish murderers. 2. Are they interested in saving life, ala abortion, euthenasia, pulling the plug issues? 3. Do they believe in self-help? Or do they want the public to create the perfect welfare state, making everyone a victim? Paul wrote, those who will , note WILL NOT WORK, SHALL NOT EAT. Not wanting starvation , of course, but demanding self-reliance and not being lazy. 4. Do the candidates stand against law breakers of any ethnic group so there is no favoritism? Will candidates punish stealers, perjurers, bribers? The OT asks that citizens not practice those acts. Perhaps those candidates who do not want the 10 Commandments should not get our votes. 5. Are there candidates who outwardly want to punish, retrict, abolish any values, issues , or rights that spiritual people have in the USA? If so, they should not get our votes. So there are Godly stances one can take in deciding whom to vote for. BTW, the Bible does not preach pacifism. So, as we are in a war for national survival against Islamofacism, we should ask candidates just what they would do to stop dictators round the world such as the ones in Iran, N. Korea, Venezuela, Red China or even the gangsters and ex-KGB people that run Russia! It is easy to just cry, peace, peace, peace. Evil does not stop because someone cries, peace, love, and let us all get along!! So, there are issues to take into account when voting for a candidate if one is filled with a Judeo-Christian world-view.Let us make sure we don't give excuses for not voting June 6. If we do not vote, we have no reason to complain!