
Sunday, August 27, 2006

Two must issues

A short perspective is in order for this Sunday. 1. The nation needs a revival of its historical spritual recognition of the Biblical God, Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yes, I know that many will disagree. But, this is my perspective. It is necessary because, even if this is not the reputed End Times of the Bible, all of us will meet our end sooner or later. Eternity await all of us. My perspective is that without forgiveness from our sins which separate us from a Holy, Just and Loving God through faith and trust in the Gospel News of Jesus' life, directions, death, and resurrection which translates for us an eternity with our Creator, whatever other perspectives we may have on our 70-90 years we are allotted are like fading photographs. In the end, we just fade and other things just fade away without any life impact. One cannot say that about Christianity's claims and impact. 2. The other issue we face is not just a spiritual one in battling evil and dominions but the real physical one of Islamofascism. Just today, Iran tested two or three more new missiles aimed to destroy ships and land based installations. Frankly, I would rather see Iran 'glowing' than Long Beach, Ca. These two issues will , I believe , be the two issues confronting us for the next few decades, if Jesus tarries. We are in for one heck of a world ride. Our perspectives will decide just where that ride ends!

Monday, August 21, 2006


In the Bible, John 13 shows that Jesus understood the betrayal of Judas and the idea that one is either for Him or against Him. There is no middle ground. The statements of former Presidents on America's war on Islamofascist terror looks suspiciously like betrayal . Of course, none dare call it treason. In our personal lives, betrayal probably has happened more than once. Hypocrisy is one such betrayal. It can occur in our so-called religiosity that replaces a real born again experience and relationship with Jesus Christ, the Creator God of the Universe as well as in national and international relations. Betrayal is an ugly word and concept. When a duo of American Presidents on foreign soil undermines the culture, military, plans, agendas of capitalistic democracy as America fights Islamofascism, betrayal comes to mind. Jesus must have been in great pain with Judas' betrayal. He feels the same when we who call ourselves Christians betray Him, He is in great pain. When our nation which is fighting a war of survival against a demonic and clever , evil enemy, Islamofascism is attacked by Americans who should know better, betrayal is painful to our national psyche. Eventually, it could do the same thing as Quisling did to Norway in WWII. Fifth columnists and so-called 'useful idiots' undermined Norway for a Nazi take-over. Let us pray that betrayal in speeches from certain politicians here there and everywhere do not add up to a Fifth Column as America fights a global war that will last for decades against Islamofascism.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Evil sin, lust, murder of 6yr. old

Can anybody not admit that sin , evil ,lust prevails in this world today? Are so many people, usually liberals, in denial that humanity is not satiated with sin, lust, evil ,murder that we just go ho hum, another murder of a 6 year old girl? Since we are dead bang against the 10 Commandments , the Bible and any reference to Christianity in our nation and around the world, that murder is no longer a horrifying thing unless, it is of course, against Muslim murderers?? Israel is the real sinner, huh? The USA is the real enemy, huh? A teacher from the Bay Area, working in Thailand , has finally confessed his murder of Jon Benet Ramsey, that gorgeous 6 year old who looked like a model. Lust, sin, murder. Want to be that someone will give an excuse for this horrid affair? Want to bet that someone will say that perhaps if Karr had used porn, he would not have done this to Jon Benet? Want to bet that some liberals will explain that it was George Bush who forced Karr to do this? Denial of personal sin and responsibility seems to be the theory of our nation nowadays. Churches, Christians, Jesus are dismissed as old fashioned and out of touch. Please ask a liberal, an atheist , then just what FORCED Karr to kill this little innocent. Could it be sin as the Bible says it is. You bet it is. And the answer to sin occured 2,000 years ago and it was not Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, or atheism. It was the ministry, sacrifice, death, and resurrection of the God-Man, Jesus Christ. Still, this murder of Jon Benet, like the Holocaust, WWII, and this blood-taking of the Islamofascists is a depressingly evil reminder of just how sin still takes its toll on God's Creation.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Of course, it is 5-6 ,million Israelis

Please read the last post with the input of 5-6 million Israelis. Can you imagine if this nation were surrounded by 500 million enemies? At least we have nearly 300 million. But, Israel has 5 plus million. Wow. If God is not watching over Israel since 1948, then one must at least posit that Israel sure has been in the right place with the right ideas and with the right military responses. One could say the same about the almost 300 years that America has responded and acted and grown as a nation . Perhaps, both nations are Blessed by the Biblical God. You think??

The Bible and Israel

Did you know that there are 5-6 , Jews in Israel? There are 500,000,000 surrounding Arab-Muslim , nearly 22 nations. The Islamofascists send kids with bombs. The Israelis use troops with uniforms on and have solid game plans (usually) and have fair rules of engagement. Israel's enemies fire off 15,000 rockets. BTW, should the USA support Israel? Well, according to the Bible, we better. This is not the same Israel of the Bible. The citizens in Israel today do not think they are God's chosen people. Still, this is a land where the history of the Bible has been playing out for nearly 6,000 years. Israel is fighting the same enemy that America and England are. The UN, EU, most Europeans do not think of the Islamofascists as the real enemy because they hate the USA and Israel. Also, they are filled up in their nations with these very same Islamos. They are afraid. It appears now that only the USA, Britain, maybe some Islamic states like Pakistan and a Hindu nation like India are not afraid of these Islamos. But, the time is growing late. The Hezbos won the last war of some 34 days. The media is in full Hate Bush and Hate Israel mode. In the OT, Israel both won and lost to surrounding enemies depending on how they followed God's directions. Could God desert the USA and Israel?? It could happen but I am praying that enough Americans, enough Englishman, enough Israelis and enough citizens and governments of other nations who know the real danger in Islamofascism will keep up the fight against this international enemy.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Peace at any price?

Do you remember the line," Better Red than Dead" ? It was made so Americans would surrender to the Communists of Russia and or China so they would not be killed. It was Peace at any Price. The Bible talks much of peace: personal peace. Blessed are the peacemakers. Do you think the Bible was speaking of the UN?? How 'bout 1938 and Munich? How 'bout this inane cease-fire with Israel and Hezbollah?? My guess is NO. Islamofascists do not have an understanding of Peace as Jesus meant it. Nor does the UN. Even many churches play pacifist roles and blather about praying for our enemies and giving them a hand up and having peace at any price. You know, Give Peace a chance. Actually, in this war against Islamofascism, my call is, Give War a chance. In the OT, the archAngel, Michael, was fighting against the Prince of Persia. Odd that today, that is Iran. My guess is, in this physical, spiritual, emotional, cultural, ideological war against Islamofascism that goes on today, Michael may be engaged in trying to keep Iran from engaging in even more demonically instigated war. Who knows? But, one thing I do know, peace, peace, peace but there is no peace is the real Biblical unction that is reality today. And as long as we breathe, the forces of good have to resist the Devil, the murderers, on a national, personal, and military scale. On a prayer scale too. But, it will be for a prayer of peace when evil is defeated not appeased.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Nice Islamofascists again

Well, here we are again. 9/11 was prevented just today but good spying by British and American anti-terrorist experts. Thank God for that. And we have the problem once more of Muslims in the USA wondering just how people will look at their way of thinking, acting, practicing their religion in such places as Dearborn, Michigan. Are their mosques bastions of terror? Who knows? Will wussy leftists, wussy so called Christians finally realize that Islamofascists are indeed a mortal danger to the Judeo-Christian Worldview in America and the anti-terrorist western nations who get it???? Will people just go isolationist and forget the war? I pray not. The Bible says we should not tire of doing good and following righteous paths. That does not mean just sitting in our pews and waiting for the next attack. While we pray, we should watch. We should connect with our government officials and make sure that they are protecting this nation, our borders, and that they should stop all POLITICALLY CORRECT METHODS OF PROTECTING CERTAIN PEOPLE!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


The Bible in the OT especially, writes and states a lot on hospitality. Makes one wonder how writers then would have viewed, say, illegal immigration and the 11 Egyptians that mysteriously have disappeared into the American hinterlands over the last few days!? Frankly, the NT also talks , writes about government being the agent of good, law, and responsibility. I would love that to be true today in 2006. Our Federal government should have laws protecting its citizens from illegal immigrants, broken borders, people killing those immigrants in overloaded cars and trucks, and packing them into rooms with 20 or more people. Also, our Federal government should end all Politically Correct procedures and begin racial profiling of ALL MIDDLE EASTERNERS. All Muslims from there should be immediately forbidden to enter our nation. If they are diplomats, they must have forged proof indentification tags as well as should any immigrants that stop in our airports, ports, et al. This may not be very hospitiable but Americans seem to be easy targets in the ME nowadays. And ME people seem to be the cause of at least 95% of all terrorist activities. Hospitality is a marvelous characteristic. It is too bad that some people acting like barbarians have put our 21st Century society in a postion of being justifiably suspicious of any visitors to our beautiful and fair and gracious nation. It will be interesting to see if Iran and Syria's Islamofascists cause even more trouble for the world so that hospitality to any of their citizens will have to be ended also.

Monday, August 07, 2006

A quick thought on prayer

Jesus said to pray for our enemies. I realize that he meant our inter-personal enemies. Yet, I also think that in 2006, we face brutal, murderous international enemies. Prayer for them? Well, I have some prayers for our international enemies. I think I can pray this without contradiction or being out of God's will. 1. I pray that every Islamofascist become a Christian. 2. I pray that every North Korean become a Christian. 3. I pray that every corrupt pagan nation in the UN become a Christian nation. See, you can pray for your, our, our nation's international enemies. And if we follow Matthew 28 and propose the Gospel for the entire world, can we not pray that the entire world accept Christ and not be ashamed of doing it??????????

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sin, Jesus, politics, Boyd

The latest news is that a Rev. Boyd wants all Christian conservatives who are Evangelical to go back into the closet. Don't you dare get involved in politics you bad conservative Christian. No, let that to the liberal Christians who go to every black, Hispanic, gay, community , union-town church just about a week before every election! The double standard is appalling. This Rev. Boyd seems to also think that the nation's past is not really Christian and therefore social service should replace the First Amendment rights for conservative Christians because those types actually think our nation was conceived in religious freedom under the blessings of the Biblical God. So did Governor Bradford. So did the Mayflower Compact adherents. One thing that might be missing from one of Rev. Boyd's sermons is the concept of personal sin which God dealt with 2000 years ago with the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By the way, 1,000 congregants walked out of his church when he offered his opinion. Liberal Christians going under the guise of whatever label they can conjure up can always give and take as long as they don't have to play by the rules they themselves set up. Charles Colson has written a nice response to Boyd. Back to sin. Many churches today forget the bad and the good news of the Gospel. The bad news is that human beings are sinners from the start and that our Creator wants to fellowship with people whose spirits are like His. So he allowed Jesus to reconcile that horrid separation caused by human sin with His own blood sacrifice. People willing to admit their sin, their need for a substitute, their need to change can turn to said Jesus and be forgiven. What good news. Still, in today's modern churches, many churches are leaving out sin just as the good Rev. Boyd leaves out the right to participate in politics, voting, letter writing, and working for a party who the participant thinks matches the ideology and the MORALS, THE STANDARDS of that individual. I'll bet my beautiful cat Puff, that Boyd wouldn't mind liberals participating in politics nor would he object if that pesky attitude of repentance and salvation would be dropped from church liturgy. Just my opinion, of course!!