
Monday, August 29, 2005

Storms all over

I pray and hope many Americans are praying for the possible victims of Katrina. I hope Blue staters are praying for their Southern brothers and sisters. There seem to be many storms nowadays that are not just weather fronts. We still are being beseiged by the Cindy Sheehan story which is now getting revolting in her extremism and statements about Bush and our military. There is little coverage of her female opponents which number in the thousands. The Left Media will not show this because they love storms to undermine our nation, Christians, conservatives and anything Republican. Cindy made some anti-Christian statements recently to go along with her blasphemy, her ugly statements against the President and the war on Islamofascism. Katrina is a rough storm. But, Americans down South will rebuild and survive. I hope the military will survive this constant hate piled on by the Cindy's , the DNC, and liberal Senate Dems on a daily, nauseating level!

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Today, I had the honor of speaking before a Christian Business Group. I had spoken there before. I always wondered why they didn't reach out to younger Christian business-people. This group had done good work for years around town. I even helped them at times. I rarely give advice in counseling or talks without giving options. I realize how weak I am and I yet I have been blessed by the Lord to skip lots of tough events or trying times. He actually lifted me out of them , not by cheating, or running, but being in different areas, eras , or even geographic places when weird, horrid things could have happened. I told the group of those times. God knew I was weak and allowed me to not just be there. At times, I have been in tough places, events, and God just said, Keep on keeping on. And I did. Sometimes I sinned horridly. But,God was with me. Through a divorce, a stroke, tough alliances, jobs, stress, local,national and foreign events. God was there. And still people gripe. I did but I repented. I still gripe but realize how blessed my life has been. Ministry is odd since one has to depend on the Spirit of God but many times I have not. I told them that too. Yet, the Bible tells us, Never tire of doing good. Write those letters, emails, blogs, standing up for goodness, truth, and Godly items. And yes, that might mean philosophically you will defend political, cultural, social, and even military things from your religious or ethical foundations. Do I mix these up? God is not a politician nor is He a science teacher. But, one can believe and state things with these last two statements underlying one's spiritual understanding. My faith, my politics, my cultural understandings; my social and economic beliefs do come from my own analysis of my faith as seen, experienced through my relationship to God, His Word, and historical-traditional mores that I have focused upon throughout my years. I would be lying if I did not state that. And that forges any advice I may give to anyone who listens or reads.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pat, ID, Darwin, Conservative vs leftists

Wow. Are Leftist and even Rightist commentators , both religious and secular are blasting Robertson for wanting to kill Hugo Chavez , leftist dictator of Venezuela. WWII had such an agenda when Lutherans were tied to a plot to kill Hitler. If it had been Castro, would Pat be accepted? Nah! What would have happened if leftist pastors had called for the assassination of W for the 'higher good'? Would there be outrage from the Left as well as the Right? In an age of PC confusion and hatred, one is never sure how revisionist history, ideologies, and even ethical standards would come out. Frankly, Pat should have known better . Ideas will be the only thing to defeat Chavez. His own people will have to see his dictatorial leftism as dangerous for THEM. El Salvador did. Guatamala did. It is possible.

Then the NY Times, the first Leftist MSM flacker for the DNC in America has had articles on Darwinism, God, ID, evolution and why Christians are dangerous in this debate. Wow. This too is a real debate with PC fringes and some material that creationists will never see in print there. ID cannot win according to the Leftists and some scientists. It would undermine the legs of scientific secularism. Then too, there is always the battle of conservative vs liberal pastors taking varied stances on not only war, abortion, this ID battle as well as Who is the real God and King of the universe. It will go on but it is very obvious that the Judeo-Christian Western Civ. is under violent attack by the Left of all stripe:religious or not.

Sunday, August 21, 2005


In church today, my partner preached on faith. The Good News of Jesus' truth, gospel, grace, faith, salvation and forgiveness surrounds the meaning of Faith. God had faith in His own sovereign goodness, plan and substance in the form of Jesus Christ a real man and the forthcoming Holy Spirit. Jesus had faith in his Father God's goodness, faithfulness, truth and righteousness that He was willing to die for the reconcilliation of every human who was alive at His time and forever after because He trusted the Father to resurrect Him and thus finish a plan for the salvation of all humanity if only they would trust, belief, have faith in the finished work of the bleeding, death, and resurrection of One Life for all Lives. I need faith today. I need it because I am an older pastor mentoring a younger one and trusting that Jesus will work us into a team who will help bring people into a new relationship with a God who 2,000 years ago acted with such foresight. Unless God builds the house.....etc, of course, but I hope in a tough neighborhood, God wants our fellowship to be a light on a corner of our little town. All of this is happening in the midst of a huge cultural war, a politico-religious war on a national and international scale. All of this is happening when members of the church are dying of cancer. Some are not handling money or their families well. People don't seem to be sleeping right. Kids seem aimless. I worry about money. My wife worries about our kids and grandkids. This is all real. This is all about faith.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The days of our lives

Since I last blogged, the President's Poll numbers have collapsed. Able-Danger has been exposed. Cindy Sheehan has been exposed. Bill Clinton thinks he could have and would have killed Bin Laden if he were President. Forgetting that , he of course, had the opportunity and blew it. Democrats have found that there will be 70 Senate votes for Judge Roberts. Oh the agony. So now they will tell us what they really think in his hearings and the world awaits breathlessly. Two of our church saints has cancer; again. The football , baseball, hockey and basketball seasons are all converging again. ID vs. Darwinian whatever is spring forth in academic and political debate in serious means and controversy. Even the President made a statement. The NY Times and Wash. Post lied again about the war in Iraq. They do this quite frequently and along with the other MSM, are driving a wedge in support for the war against Islamofacism because deaths on our side have occured. It never seems to faze them that this is a real war. It really is a confused, sad, yet hopeful time in the world. But, one wonders if it would be more hopeful if our own people, institutions, churches, and traditions would once again stop undermining our own Judeo-Christian Civilization. I think so but my views are being challenged on a global effort to erase Western Civilization and its contributions. Fewer, it seems are willing to stand for that Civilization since we are accused of being so old fashioned, intolerant, and hateful. Actually that sounds more like our two enemies, Leftist Secularism and Islamofascism!!!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The evil of misinformation

I am very tired of all the propaganda that the Left in religion, the media, on the unversity campus, and politically puts out about such things as how America is the biggest terror threat in the world etc. In religion, it is now stated by the Left that Catholics, Prots, and the Judeo-Christian believer in general need not apply for political postions since they are the , yep, the biggest terror threat in the world. Now the media is presenting a Mrs. Sheehan who says, that the Prez, America, our war in Iraq is , naturally , the biggest threat of terror in the world. Frankly, I am sick and tired of these propandists. They are liars and I am getting to the point that dealing with them is not worth anyone's time. Why we give credence to such nuts is a mystery. But, all one has to do is to read the NYTimes, their political fora and you will see nuts blossoming each day! I remember a few years ago, books by a Frank Perata, or something like that spelling. His views were that liberal-leftistism, Islam, and other secular-humanist groups all joined together (actually being undergirded by Satanic evil) to ruin the Judeo-Christian civilization and especially ours in the USA. They were novels. I am not so sure they didn't analyse the truth for our 21st Century America. Of course, no one in the NYTimes would ever believe such propaganda!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Left is now attacking religion; but it is not Islam.

Religion is peculiar because most world religions believe they are correct on all theological points. As a Christian, I believe that. Now that makes me intolerant to the Left, especially. Yet, over the last few years, the war on the Judeo-Christian western civ. worldview, Christianity has been increasing. Now the Left, the NY Times, is attacking Judge Roberts' Catholic views on everything from abortion, to adoption , to gay rights, to whatever displeases the editorial board at the Times. Yet while even France begins to boot out Islamic fundies in the personhood of mullahs and imans who are dangerous, murderous fanatics., the US, even W, and the Administration are giving into the PC effort to call the war on terror, the war on extremism but never using the term Islamofascist terrorism. Frankly , I am tired of PC efforts in this global war against Islamofascism. When will Bush, the NY Times, many other Americans actually say we are fighting a hateful brand of Islam? When will the so-called moderate Muslims here in America decide to condemn the terrorist Muslims? When will the Left stop calling America the evil Satan as the Islamofascists do? What is permissable speech complaining about religion which will not endanger our national security? How will we be able to deal with complaints about Christianity without being biased against that foundational item in American culture? And how will we Americans be able to stand evil, killing-types of hate speech by American Muslims who take the standard jihadist brand of revolutionary speech without endangering our own national security? What are the limits of free speech blasting Christianity and Islam in America? Christianity is not advocating evil , nor hate, nor destruction though leftists will naturally deny this. Extreme terrorist Islam is. Should we Americans put up with this hate speech against Christianity and the hate speech of Islam? And should the Senate put up with the anti-Catholic questions , insinuations that the Dems are making against Roberts' faith? Oh , yes, this really is part of the internal culture war we Americans are facing.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Aug. is here in spades. We have a special election in Ohio. We have the Bolton appointment to the corrupt UN. We have an Oriole admitting that steroids is not good but somehow got into his bloodstream. We have CAFTA signed by the Prez. It is hot, humid and some people are saying that in Aug. hurricanes will be more powerful because of global warming. Can this be true?? I do not think so. This last Sunday, in our church, we had a baptismal service which I thought was very significant. One person, Tony Jimenez gave his life to Jesus, was baptized and raised his arms in grace. He is a quiet man. His wife, Marcia died a few months ago. I am sure that she was looking through the dimension of heaven into our earthly dimension and saw her husband finally get baptized. It must have been joyful in heaven for all concerned. I am not sure, but this happening was as momentous as the affairs I first listed.