
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A looksee into the culture wars, Xmas etc.

Well, with the war against Christmas in full swing ( as John Gibson's great book explains), with our culture wars in full swing (Abe Foxman is at war with Evangelicals because he thinks they don't really support Israel and are extreme as Islamofascists), as well as the MSM 's war against all things Judeo-Christian, it is time to give thanks once again for all the the things right about America, God, the war against Islamists, and the stupidity of the Leftist Democrats. Can you imagine an Ex-Prez in a foreign nation, during WWII or Korea or even Nam undermining the troops, the present Prez and the military fighting Islamists? Never! Well ole Bubba Clinton did just that in the ME just a day or so ago. It is bad enough that the Leftist Dems in the Senate are anti-Italian, anti-Catholic, and anti-Evangelical in their rants against W's judicial nominees but to undermine our troops with a nutty Resolution that Pubs put forward, its not only alarming but Quisling like by both silly Dems and Pubs. For heaven's sakes, as we turn off our TV's and the Net absorbing all these horrors, we then go into large stores only to see Christmas disappearing and something like Winter Soltice, or Winter Wonderland Holidays appearing. Even Santa is gone in some stores. And to ever see a Nativity Scene, well that would be so un-PC that we may be offending Mike Nedow and the other atheists, leftists, or university profs who cannot abide Purity and Truth other than their own egoes. It really is pathetic and may I not only leave this post with an early Happy Thanksgiving to the God and Savior of the Bible for this nation and its goodness and goodies, but even an earlier Merry Christmas to all the saints and even all the sinners: who need the reason for the season more than they need a new IPOD!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Defense of the right

Well, finally W defended himself, ourselves, the war against Islamofascism! Finally. For 4 years , the lies, distortions and prevarications of the Dems, the Left and the MSM have made America look like the enemy. Enough was enough. And oh btw, one is encouraged that the conserv-Biblical-Christ centered Christians in the Anglican church are finally seeking a division from the Left leaning, Pro-homosexual, anti-Biblical Episcopals here in America. Now, if only the conserv-Christians in the United Methodists, United Presbyies and other left-leaning churches would do the same, a more muscuar Biblical-Christian church would arise to impact our Leftist-secular society. Gee, isn't it nice to see people standing up for righteousness and the right once in a while?!!It is time for reticient believers in the Judeo-Christian Western Civ worldview to stand up and blast the Leftists, the defeatists, the unrighteous without fear of not being POLITICALLY CORRECT. Frankly, I am sick to death of the wussies and cowards who will not defend right vs wrong, good vs evil. With all the sliding scales of these issues put forward by the media, the university campuses and even so-called religious groups like the phoney People for the American Way, the time has long gone when proponents of the right should have defended God, moral, and Biblical issues without being afraid. And, oh yes, Islamofascists are EVIL. Not just misunderstood. It is almost Thanksgiving. Remember my idea of being thankful. Well, already the MSM is blasting Christmas and Christ. It is time to stand up for the idea of Christmas as a religious time to remember the Creator God Saviour of the world without shame.

Monday, November 07, 2005

The upcoming year vs 2005

Will 2006 be a good year for all Americans? Probably not. Socio-economic, racial, political, cultural differences will still exist. But, today, Lileks wrote a good review of 2005. Things were not as bad as the MSM portrayed it. Even Gallup said today, 94% of Americans believed in God. What, or who, or why is never covered in those polls. CNN has a poll which says the Prez has no plan for victory. They of course want that to be true. So do the Leftists all over the world and in our Senate! Still, America is not failing. Not falling apart. Even the war against Christmas is losing ground. When the NY Times and Wash. Post lose readership, things are not as bad as people portray them to be. I suppose New Year's Resolutions must be posted. How would one be if I posed it like this???? Unless believing Christians actually preach, live, act upon, think upon the Gospel of good news as well as bad news , their friends, families, and others they contact will not have a chance for eternal life!?????? Unless Jesus is the only answer for eternal life being proclaimed, others will never know the truth?!!! Wow, what a resolution. Preach , teach, live, think, speak that truth because it is the real meaning of love not just some emotional mushiness. The Left emotes but knows not a thing about agape, Godly love. Some Christians do not either. That should change for all of us who claim that we are Christians. Live it, speak it, act on it, love the Lord of Life and share Him and Trust Him or forget about mouthing platitudes about love and salvation!

December and the war is on!

My wife and I just returned from a vacation through Panama, Costa Rico et al. All we could see on TV, when we even looked, was woe , war, worry , and wussies!! America seems to be losing everything according to the MSM. Even God and church and Christmas is supposedly losing. I resent that and believe just the opposite. As of today, things might look dark but in fact, God is still in charge and our church is decorated for the real meaning of Christmas; we have a real tree up because of the generosity of one of our members, and we are planning to celebrate all month Jesus. Not Winter Festival, not the Holidays, but Jesus. I will write more on this as soon as I recover from travel, which by the way, is broadening because of all the food I ate!!!



Yep, to God. Not to government or our media or the Leftist evil doers around the world, or Islam, or the Democrat Party or the Republican Party. To God. Certainly not to the media which wants to do away with Christmas. Pretty soon, Pilgrims will be a thing of the past too. And even turkey. After all, organic sprouts might be ordered if the Left ever regains power in America. Not to the phoney global warming. The East coast and Mid-West is not frying but cold, very cold especially because fuel is not always there because nuts have stopped us from getting atomic power, coal shale, safe coal, safe oil drilling in ANWR and other areas of the USA. Thanks to God, the God of the Bible not of NPR or the rest of the media which thinks God is a monkey!!! Thanks to my wife of 25 years, today. Thanks that she got me to go on a cruise to the Panama Canal when I would rather hunker down . She was right. It will be fun, historical for us, and we'll even eat real turkey on the Galaxy not sprouts!

Don't get it backwards

For some reason, my blog on Thankfulness is on top of my recent, Nov. 10 article on evil. Reading these may look foolish. OK, read them both and do not stop being thankful. However, don't be a pollyanna either. Evil for now is winning. It won't last but right now, this nation , our war against Islamofascism, and Bush are in real trouble and though the MSM will never tell you this, this bodes well for the triumph of evil. Shameless.

OK, evil is winning!

The Jordanian bombings, the fact that Democrats in the Senate are calling Bush the liar, the cause of all terrorism, the fact that W's poll numbers are dropping like a stone because he stands for a war against Islamoterrorism in Iraq et al, seems to show that evil is winning. The public seems to be buying this garbage. Ever since 2001, liberals, Leftists of all stripes have said W lied. Now, it is being believed. The CIA are the bad guys according to the Leftists and the MSM. It is being believed. Our military losses mean Democrat gains. What an upside down world! And it seems to be working. We can't even get an investigation in the Senate when CIA secrets are leaked. Unless , of course, it is about Plame-Wilson and a phoney outing.

If that is not enough, in Ca., people on election day could not even allow parents to have the right to hear about an abortion of an underage girl! Gay rights seem more important to voters now than a 3rd World War against Islamofascism. People are calling for Bush's impeachment over a war he did not begin. People now think that 2000 military killed is somehow the worst thing since the Black Plague of the Dark Ages. Yet, those 2000 were voluteers who thought that patriotism meant something. Most of the military today still believe that and they also believe, dispite the Left and the MSM, that we are winning the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. When abortion rights become more important than our national security, we are in another Dark Ages.

I wonder if this will turn around. Many writers on the Right say it will. Of course, the Left and Democrats are praying it does not turn around so they can regain their power. They arrogantly play this war as another political campaign. It is Clintonism to the enth degree. Frustrated, depressed, sad, you bet I am. If good men do nothing, nothing good will be done. It now seems , at least for this news cycle, that evil is winning. The Left doesn't believe in my description of evil and that is really evil since they turn goodness and evil on its head. All in the name of undermining the USA, the hated Bush and bringing them back to DC with the same old playbook. And so far, it looks like the public is buying it. Hopefully, this darkness will turn to light and reality. Before it is too late for America.


OK, Halloween is over and perhaps the scary stuff that the Left in churches, the Left in government, the left in our culture via entertainment will now give way to thankfulness for this nation, our freedoms, our church or no church opportunities, and for even new books and films which put forward American and spiritual blessings. There is a great new book out: The war against Christmas by John Gibson. There is a film on Narnia coming out which seems to deal with spiritual themes of a Judeo-Christian nature. Tired of lying Joe Wilson, the DNC, Louis Farahkahn, the MSM, remember that Thanksgiving is coming up. Tired of TO, Madonna, Robert Blake, remember that Thanksgiving is coming up. Be thankful for the entire month. It will become a habit. Thank God for freedoms. It will become a habit. Thank God we are not living in France right now. It will become a habit. Thank God that we are not living in Castro's Cuba or Hugo's Venezuela. Stop always blasting America and remember that we can worship or not worship. We can still vote freely. In fact, Nov. 8 is very near. We can still vote without brown, black, red shirts forcing us to vote their way. We can pray that the Supreme Court will not overthrow our own military, domestic or foreign policy interests just because the Left, Islamofascists or the UN wants them to. Be thankful. Make it a habit now.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Alito and morality, heritage, uplifting?

PTL. The President finally got it right with Sam Alito. On the Court, morality, heritage and strict construction will be the call of now, at least, 4 justices. Now we need Stevens and Ginsberg to resign and have W put two more conservative justices on the Court. That should be a prayer request on a daily level for those who want a Constitutional Court! The Prez now needs to retake the higher ground of issues by dealing with such subjects as border control, illegal immigration, oil and energy needs, going after Syria and Iran as well as continuing our war against Islamofascim. While at that, he should not, NOT LISTEN to Prince Charles as Charles wants the USA to give into toleration of Islam when it is even violent and wants the USA to sign Kyoto. Enough of that type of foolishness, Mr. President. Charles is a dolt and an adulterer. We have had enough trouble with our own Adulterers in the leadership of our nation. Britain does not need Charles representing it on the world stage. W should be listening to more people like Alito than Charles or Camilla!!