
Thursday, September 29, 2005

Hate vs. an agenda for our nation

Rick Santorum today mentions that Godly people gave more aid, time, talent, and treasure to aid the victims of Katrina and Rita and that it was more effective than government aid. The military did the best job of saving people. No wonder the President will call on the military first in the case of another natural disaster. One wonders how the Democrat incompetents in La got away without being asked questions on how they first responded and how the Congress simply accepted Blanco's views and call for billions. Odd to that hate in the media and from the Leftist Democrat leadership which now runs the entire Party continues to spread lies, hate and bile on websites, media outlet allies, and now with Ronnie Earle's silly indictment of the Hammer, Tom DeLay. One wonders how a political party which doesn't support a Godly nation, panders to gays, illegal immigrants, and anti-American-anti-war protestors and continues to blast Bush, Laura, GOP leaders with vile commentary like Charlie Rangel, Howard Dean and The Nation with immoral statements can bring to the public an agenda of hate but no issues , no policies, no plans for domestic and international security and progress and expect to be elected. Perhaps the media will continue to ally with them and try to bring down all conservatives, Christians, Gopers with charges of corruption, war-making, anti-poor propaganda and pure evil! Now if the public buys all this hate, Dems will have won the battle to lower the dignity and morality of the political process. Of course, it will help if the GOP starts to restate its agenda of lower taxes, pursuing the war against Islamofascism, cutting federal spending, reforming the UN, SS, and Medicare and other domestic wasteful programs which they themselves are unfortunately propping up. When that happens , if it does, the Dems hate filled charges will lose and the Gop agenda will win. Of course, it has to happen and no one knows whether it will. Bush nominating a real conservative to replace Sandra Day will be a good start.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Is the USA doomed?

When we see anti-American protestors lying in DC posing as patriots; when we see natural disasters bloodying the USA; when we hear and read ministers saying that God is punishing the USA for such things as Iraq, the Israel 'peace' deal, the millions of abortions, should we believe our nation is doomed??? Should we forget the helpers, ministers, charities, churches, volunteers of compassion that have aided the USA over the last few months? Should we forget that this nation will aid any color, any ethnic group when it is in danger? Should we forget that our war against Islamofascism is a necessity because that murderous Wahabi thugs want to kill off all facets of the Judeo-Christian Western Civilization? Should we forget that the USA is one of the last Christian outposts in a sea of hatred and multicultural bile? Sure we have our national, personal sins. But, what nation is filled with more Christian love, compassion, edifices, works of charity, hospitals, museums, libraries done in the name of the Biblical God? None. Europe is a wasteland of spirituality. Thank God Africa and parts of Latin America are undergoing revival. Some parts of SE Asia are too. God is not dead. America and its history, traditions, culture and spiritual beliefs are not dead. Dispite liberalism, humanism, Islamofascism, and anti-American hate groups, America is not dead and not doomed. When Americans forget God in great masses, then, and only then, will America be doomed.

Friday, September 23, 2005

God in the Court, the Hurricane and Iraq???

The AP is trying to make Iraq into Nam. Why? Because they want Bush to lose. Period. Much of the MSM wants this to happen. Of course, they would deny it. Just like they would deny that they are for the DNC agenda on all counts. And then too, John Roberts was passed out of committee and you know, both he and Bush believe in God!!! Then of course there is Katrina and Rita. Two female hurricanes which seem to be driving the President's numbers down and down. Where is God in these horrors, the press asks? Bush is incompetent and so is God?????? Is that their point? And now we hear they believe Iraq is a lost cause. No God there either????It is frustrating to patriots, believers and people who have empathy with the hurricane victims. One cannot win seemingly because God is invisible. But is He? Generosity of the American people funding the armies of compassion, mostly non-profit churches etc. have been a huge help in aiding victims. Our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan have been compassionate to the victims of Al Queda. Elections have come and gone and our media forgets to report on them! Our courts seemingly forget God but help is on the way there too. Let the President appoint a few more strict constructionists and see how Godly values will once again be in the headlines!

Monday, September 19, 2005

The Rise of atheism, humanism, leftism

Here we go again. The media seems to be 'worshiping' at the foundation of any ideology which downgrades Christianity once again. Yet I am convinced that with the latest news of Katrina, we see once again that Christians and faith based charities were the most successful at helping the hurting. Our little church did so and trusted Samaritan's Purse. I saw where a ball player said that it is time for the public to realize that while the Red Cross is neat, that the Salvation Army has been doing yoeman like work. Yet on TV, atheists, humanists, leftists seem to go unfazed or not even questioned when they make fun of Christians, the President's faith, and charities. All we hear is how weird Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell are. Two people are not the face of the Christian faith in this nation. When good men do something for others, you will see that following Jesus Christ in being servants to humanity is the real foundation of Christianity. Atheists, humanists, and leftists may have some loud concerts or go on Bill Maher's show, but they do little to help their fellow humans when they are hurting on a vast scale. Thank God for faith based charities who do more for our citizens than all the naysayers and haters in the USA. God is NOT dead in the USA. Perhaps He is dying in Europe but He is alive in many areas of the world. The Biblical God is who I am writing about. And guess what? Many of those geographic areas are coming to be believers in those places and welcome God's help, the church's help, and people are realizing worldwide that atheism, humanism and leftism just doesn't meet the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of people. That is sometime to shout Hooray about!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

God and the 9th Circuit Court

Wll, a Federal jurist finally decided today, as Judge Roberts is about to be confirmed, that the Pledge of Alliegance is UNCONSTITUTIONAL when spoken by kids in schools. Why? The UNDER GOD part. Mike Newdow, remember that atheist nut? He got some other kids and families to come before a judge and sure enough, these nuts, these minority people as far as whether God should be in front of school kids, got their way today. My bet is that this judge is a Dem appointee; a liberal, and ' just had to follow the extreme 9th Circuit.' Well, off this case goes again to the Supreme Court. Will Roberts and another of Bush's choices be on the Court when this case wends itself through the processes? I sure hope so.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

God, the Left and Judge Roberts

Years ago, JFK dealt with his Catholic views and politics. Judge Roberts is being forced by leftist Senate Dems who run their party to defend that he has any spiritual views!! Who would have thought this in the USA? Schumer of NY, asks judges being confirmed, if their 'deeply held personal views' would affirm legal decisions. By this he cleverly means, do you have any spiritual views on , oh say, abortion, gay marriage, bestiality, torturing Islamofascists??? Schumer smirks and is smarmy in front of a camera. Everyone in DC knows when a camera pops up, Chuckie is there! Odd that so may leftists in the USA, who reside in the Dem Party , are 'offended by spiritual views'. What of all those blacks and Jews who make up much of the Dem Party who have spiritual views themselves??? Are they to be deleted from government service? If so, half of DC itself, would be without workers! The Lefties hate Bush, for one reason, in that Bush is an avowed Christian. In fact, hatred of the Judeo-Christian Worldview is so obvious now by the leftist Dems that one wonders what positive spiritual, democratic, capitalistic, moral foundations do they support?? Anything American, anything Biblical, anything spiritual? We shall see how the public reacts by the election of 2006 if these spiritual issues are brought up. Is God to be held out of the public square nowadays? For leftist Dems, it sure seems so.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

9/11 once again

This day should be honored as a day for the brave dead, the response of the President and the American people against the murderous tactics and events precipitated by Islamofascist terrorists 4 years ago. The media did not do a good job reporting on the recent Katriana-NO-Ala.-Miss. disaster. Today, there was little rememberance but some media outlets did provide good reminders. Churches all over the nation did. In Seal Beach, Ca. my wife saw a great service on praise, prayer, reminders and support. It is almost absurd that nowadays, Americans just cannot stay focused on the fact that we are at war. Instead, it is back to business . Then comes NO and Katrina. Once again, Americans show themselves to be resiliant and generous. In all of this , my co-partner in minstry reminded us today, that God is still in charge, is with us in good times and bad times. Now, if we would always remember that too. Blaming God, blaming Bush, blaming someone for horrors and natural disasters seems to be part of our national past-time. It is time to stop the blame game and not only trust God but trust that Americans can still rely on love, grace, generosity, faith, and on each other. Then too, self-reliance with God's help is another of our spiritual inheritances as well as historical characteristics. As we keep with our Creator-God, 9/11's and Katrina's can be overcome until that day when God Himself steps in and sets all horrors right!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

A poll on domestic and foreign affairs

Today, a poll showed supposedly that the public wants the President and I guess by implication, the Legislature to concentrate on domestic affairs more than foreign affairs. Katrina hit the mentality of citizens very hard. Of course, we face the ongoing Islamofascist terror onslaught whether or not the citizens here want attention and by real implication money to be focused on domestic affairs. What will happen if in Sept. late or October early, the Islamos hit an urban center in the USA? Then how will the citizens think? The fact that the welfare mentality, the Nanny State ideology that all pols seem to insist upon is rotting our individual responsibility core foundation must be discussed by serious people in local, state and federal governmental areas plus objective cultural, religious, media, and economic planners who can think rationally of how our citizens and officials can meet BOTH DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN disasters. These things will happen and unlesss corruption on local , state and federal levels can be attacked by both parties and watchdogs, there will be no chance of meeting these twin dangers. La had had 60 years of corruption. Thank God, terrorists did not hit Baton Rouge at the same time. Would the mayor and governor both cried and ended up at a rest home before they reacted? The feds may have moved slowly but Thank God Bush was guiding rather than some wussy Leftist who would have thrown just money helter skelter at it. As it is,Thank God for faith based charities. For in the long run, only they really seemed to have any answers to helping the hurting.

Monday, September 05, 2005

The Supreme Court , God and the future

Here we are in the midst of horror,NO recovery, Ala.,Miss. and its better recovery, the war against Islamofascism in Iraq, and now we have our own SCOTUS having another opening as our Chief Justice died. Today, W appointed Roberts, his first nominee for O'Connor,as his choice for CJ. Where will the legislaton on gay rights, school prayer, eminent domaine be under these new choices? Will there be any moral issues coming before the New Court when the obstructionist Dems FINALLY approve of the Prez' choices. That choice , other than Roberts, could be Luttig, Jones, Garza or Clement. Will they be approved, or will one of them be approved? Will the Prez surprise us again and choose Sam Brownback, Senator of Kansas, as Hugh Hewitt cited? Will moral issues be brought up in the questioning of these two new appointees? Will Roberts, being a Catholic , be brought into question? And what of the views of Garza, a Hispanic, if he becomes the first Hispanic choice. Will his religious or ethnic views be questioned by the liberal Dems? Is or will God be in these choices? And if so, how will critics deal with spiritual views if they are brought up? Amazing that with all the horror of the Hurricane Katrina, that once more , the Court also comes into play as to how our nation will deal with moral questions such as the welfare state, abortion, gay rights, and other things such as prayer. I wonder if the Left hates the fact that people have been praying for the black refugees in the Astrodome? Does the Left hate all those churches who have raised money for all the racial components in this tragedy? Our little churhc of 50 plus, raised over $2000 alone for these poor unfortunates. I even wonder if someday the SCOTUS will have to decide whether churches can even participate spiritually and monetarily in the ongoing history of this nation. Sounds weird huh? Well who would know that over 60 years ago, that a Court nominee might be negated because he or she had spiritual foundations which Senators did not like!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Race and horror

Well, Jesse Jackson, some House Black Caucus members and some hip hop guy are at it again. Blame Bush and white America for the horror in NO. and the South. Look, a Chicago Sun Times article says that the levees were in GOOD SHAPE before the hurricane. That both Dems and Pubs had over the last 10 years stopped full monied support for flood control. That includes Clinton and Bush. That the looters were all Black. That the victims were all Black. That looters took advantage of poor planning by Dem Guv. Blanco and NO mayor, a cursing Dem until he met with the Prez yesterday! In fact, people were asking , where was the guv and the mayor. Jesse said that Bush doesn't care for blacks and wanted them to do what??? Die? Be caught in a genocide?? Yeah, that makes real sense. The Pubs are making overtures of outreach to black voters. Why would they purposedly try to KILL them?? Liberals come up with the darndest conspiracies that one can come up with. The real question now is not who is to blame. Nature and lack of planning is to blame. So what now?

The answer is a plan by both the state of La. and the Feds to rebuild smartly. Get jobs to people who want to return. Deal with housing in safer areas. Bring construction industries down to La. to have a planned rebuilding. Stop the priority of welfare which has been the main proponent of dealing with those poor black citizens and find legit types of jobs , low cost housing which will improve both their lives as well as the local community infrastructure. Perhaps we need a czar like Homeland Security. Say, Rudy G. But, we need planning not crazed repetetion by so called black leaders to enflame the rescue and reconstruction efforts.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Political sniping on tragedy and horror.

Well, it had to come. Pols, blogs, liberal groups are blaming Bush, the governors, FEMA, the RED CROSS and every charity plus our military in Iraq for not BEING IN PLACE BEFORE THE STORMS HIT THE DEEP SOUTH. First, it was Global Warming and how Pubs , conservatives, and Christians helped cause, allow, initiate that 'theory' as the cause of hurricanes. Second, the MSM slowly stated and now are in a rush to stumble over themselves to assert that RACE has entered this equation because the poor, the looters, the disadvantaged are all black! Now the fact is that 67% of New Orleans and a huge % of the southern states have black citizens and this seems to have slipped the media's minds. So, if blacks suffer, it is a holocaust allowed by whites, conservative Americans and of course, the dreaded Bush! Third, it has also slipped their minds(the media) that New Orleans and La. is mostly a Dem-run state. There are many Dem leaders in charge of many of the cities beseiged by the water, storms, and disease. Will they be blamed too? Already, the Pub guvs of Miss., Ala., and Georgia are being blamed by the mass media as villains in this horrid drama. The fact is, many web sites are filled with Katrina outlets to send money, goods, etc. in the millions to the suffering. The National Guards are pouring in. The military ships are coming. Charities are on the ground such as the Red Cross, Samaritan's Purse, Catholic Charities, Feed the Children and the Salvation Army. America is filled with generous people and we will see generosity like nothing else in our history. Fund raisers are being planned and already in effect. Even President Clinton and GHWBush are going to join again and raise money. And where is the conscience and souls of the looters? Are they not Americans? Or do they even threaten the mayor of New Orleans as has been reported. Let's all focus on the good Americans and not the political snipers or real snipers and price raisers and the PC pols who want to blame someone for these horrors for political reasons. Americans will respond and so will all those charities who are made fun of by the elitist classes like churches, non-profits, and groups like the Salvation Army! Mark my words: this area of the South will rebound.