
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Morality in Congress

Sometimes one wonders why people want religion separated from daily life when we see Congressmen acting immoral. For years Barney Frank, Gary Studds were known homosexuals as was Jim Kolbe in Az. Now we have the horror of Mark Foley dealing with 16 yr.old House pages who work in Congress to see how democracy works. There are many adulterous relationships that go on in Congress as well. Some are Republican, some are Democrats. Sin knows no boundaries or political parties. Still, people call for less morality, less religious values in our pols. They don't want values from the traditional Judeo-Christian Western Civlization that has nurtured our nation for over 200 years. So what will stop Congresspeople from outright breaking faith with the American voter? If not religious values; what?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Posted twice, but.....

When one writes, one is often stopped by technological stuff. I was on my first attempt at this Sept. 28 utterance and missive. Now , I see the two blogs are a bit different. I liked both of them if I say so myself. Read them both. In just 15 minutes, I had two emotional views and factual views of what I wanted to write. Has that ever happened to you? I wonder how many tries op-eders do before we see their stuff? Or book writers or play writers? They think it is their muse; I hope it is my background, my foundations in spirit and historical fact. Hopefully, God approves. If not, I am in more trouble than the liberals I often excoriate. LOL

Posted twice, but.....

When one writes, one is often stopped by technological stuff. I was on my first attempt at this Sept. 28 utterance and missive. Now , I see the two blogs are a bit different. I liked both of them if I say so myself. Read them both. In just 15 minutes, I had two emotional views and factual views of what I wanted to write. Has that ever happened to you? I wonder how many tries op-eders do before we see their stuff? Or book writers or play writers? They think it is their muse; I hope it is my background, my foundations in spirit and historical fact. Hopefully, God approves. If not, I am in more trouble than the liberals I often excoriate. LOL

Posted twice, but.....

When one writes, one is often stopped by technological stuff. I was on my first attempt at this Sept. 28 utterance and missive. Now , I see the two blogs are a bit different. I liked both of them if I say so myself. Read them both. In just 15 minutes, I had two emotional views and factual views of what I wanted to write. Has that ever happened to you? I wonder how many tries op-eders do before we see their stuff? Or book writers or play writers? They think it is their muse; I hope it is my background, my foundations in spirit and historical fact. Hopefully, God approves. If not, I am in more trouble than the liberals I often excoriate. LOL

Do churches have anything to say?

In today's world, it seems that very few people listen to what churches say, write or proclaim. A mission book in 2005 remarked that 221,000,000 Americans are unchurched. Now, the media will report on the Pope , some Muslim nutters, when gays get ordained, many liberal mainline churches but will not report very often just what evangelical, conservative, pentecostal Christians are doing in their communities or what impact they may have in America. Not unless a nutcake ends up in the news. This is a shame since many many Americans are people who live out their lives with a Judeo-Christian Worldview, believers all. Our little church has two cable access TV shows on weekly in our SoCal area. One is my show on Wed. eve. at 5:30pm. It is an analysis of culture, politics, govt., economics and social life from a Judeo-Christian Western Civ. worldview. Not many TV show, well none to be accurate do this. TBN used to do so but cut the programs because supposedly they offended Muslims. The other program is by my partner, Pastor D on Fri. eve.at 5:30pm. This is his Sun. Sermon , filled with hope, encouragement and love from the Lord Jesus. Both programs are done to show people how faith and life and action can impact not only our locale but America too. We don't know if anyone watches the programs. But, they are serious, often fun, filled with faith and truth and encourage people to live out their life style in an often hostile society.

Do churches have anything to say?

One wonders today, if modern churches have anything to say on real life. When modern liberal churches speak, they do get press in the Times, LA and NY. But, there are very very few programs on TV which deal with Judeo-Christian issues on world events. Some used to appear on TBN but now have been pulled: don't want to offend those Muslims, don't you know! Our church has two local public access TV programs; one on Wed. eve. and one on Fri. eve. Two very different venues and points to be made. Both Christian; both very serious but very different. My program on Wed. eve. is about analysing world affairs from a Judeo-Christian Worldview. The one Fri. eve. is from our Sun. sermons from my partner, Pastor D. We do not know if anyone watches them. But, they have a purpose. Mine is obviously to get people interested in living out their Christian , Jewish, believing lives in all parts of their lives, cultural, political, economic et cet. Pastor D's view and presentation is to present the encouraging hope and salvation of Jesus Christ's Gospel. We both want people's lives changed by the Lord. We both want people to live out their personal lives practically and impact their whole life not just their spiritual life. Being a Christian is not segmented into a pure, holy , little pew sitter in church just on Sunday. It is living out the great adventure of life with God facing an often hostile society. How we live out that life means all the difference in the world when impacting our America or any other locale we touch.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Is God going to intervene?

Since many people, writers, commentators think we are in the End Times, does that mean that we shall soon see God intervene in our world's messes? Will He return to crush evil and end the world for his own Milleniel Rule? Jesus did warn us to properly make use of our time before we sit around and wait for His return. The Iranian thug dictator thinks the Mahdi is returning, the 12 th Iman to bring the world into chaos and therefore make the whole world Muslim. Christians do not believe that. The Koran is so complex in its understanding on jihadism and terror and murder and lying to achieve Muslim hegemony, that many are confused as to who is coming back, when , where, why and what will be the conclusion of earth's history. Christians are to heal, help, share the Gospel of Peace, love, repentance, salvation and grace. Does this sound like the themes of Allah, the Koran, and Al Queda??? Doesn't it seem more like a demonic attack on all other civilizations, our Judeo-Christian Western Worldview? Along with sharing the Gospel, people in the American Revolution used to say, share it but keep your powder dry! Amen to that. One does not sit by iddly contemplating their navels but in this world one must pray, share the Gospel, love people but keep our powder dry! Jesus never preached pacifism nor does the entire Bible. Thus, Christians can really sing, Onward Christian Soldiers.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

There he goes again

At the UN, Hugo Chavez brought up the devil's name. He called George Bush the devil. We all know that. But, what did the devil get out of this? After all, Satan is usually disbelieved by the elites, the liberal secularists and even some religious people. His very descriptions of sulphur, heat, fire and flames are not really good ones. Absence of light, more cold, darkness is where the Devil reigns and those who live with him are not playing poker! Odd is it not that people like Chavez and the Iranian horror use religious terms to brand their enemies and yet, and yet, their fate may just end up with those terms in a supernatural dimension that will shock and surprise them when they assume room temperature. A few days ago, the leftist LA Times did a survey of what people in America believe about GOD. They ascribed 4 levels of belief. The survey did not include what people who said they were religious believed about Satan or the Devil. Now that would have been really interesting. I have been around long enough to remember when Hitler, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao, Himmler were often referred to as demonic. And they were in that their beings were influenced by evil , pure evil. Again, today, ask a secularist, a liberal what they believe is evil, satanic, demonic." It will be Bush, America and anyone not saving the whales! Or worse yet, those pesky Christians who keep wanting to do good and oppose evil, whatever that is~! Why can't we all get along and just forget about this stuff good and evil or who is the devil." Ignorance is bliss an older generation used to say. Actually ignorance in spiritual affairs could be death! Eternal Death!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Religion, thugs, speeches

In the last 3 days, the public has been filled with religious talk by Hugo Chavez, the Iranian thug with his 12 Iman prayer at the UN, and Hugo's speech at a black church in Harlem today. The speeches have been filled with hate, insults, bias and yet our media has refused to report on them as just that. Religion was seen at the UN with Hugo crossing himself and then calling President Bush, the devil! The Iranian thug ended his speech by calling for the world to become Muslim and then asking for Allah's servant to come back, end the world in a horrid shootout, and set up an Islamic world government. Meanwhile , the President called for freedom religious freedom, and liberty in the Middle East. The amazing thing too is how many politicians use Hugo's and the Iranian's insults against America and the President and Christian conservatives because , in fact, the rhetoric sound like the very same thing! The liberal media doesn't understand any religious talk or speech. It cannot understand how serious Hugo and the Iranian are with their religious quotations. In fact, the dictators' useage of religion is to undermine all Judeo-Western civilization's values. Israel is to be destroyed. America is to be destroyed. And yet the media and liberal politicians do not get it, see it or understand the threats implied there. Perhaps they should read Hitler's Mein Kampf. What dictators write or say may just be what they mean to do when enabled to do so. In fact, both the Nazis, Communists, Mao, Pol Pot, and now the Islamofascists mean exactly what they write or say all wrapped up in ideological and religious symbolism. Americans, all Americans, better wake up to this reality. Especially our liberal politicians and media outlets.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Outreach to whom, Part 2

OK, sharing the Gospel with whom is or should be easy. Matthew 28 says to the entire world. If, if, if there really are moderate Muslims; that would be one target group. Now, the percentages of saved Muslim to Christian is below 1 % but it is a group that needs Jesus as all groups do. Every Christian should support Jews for Jesus and Chosen People. It is a tough ministry but the Bible says ' to the Jew first.' Can you imagine if sharing the Gospel to Jews and Muslims was more successful, perhaps communication between them would be on sounder footing. Of course, most of Islam does not want to be changed and neither does Judaism. So, in America, outreach to whom? Well, how bout the huge number of people who list themselves as liberal secular humanists, or atheists or agnostics? In the USA, there is a growing pagan society. They are our neighbors and in many cases appear to be civilized, decent people. But, they have a spiritual vaccum as do un-Saved Jews and Muslims. Can you see why I continually remark on the bravery of missionaries who sometimes give their lives to spread the Gospel of salvation of Jesus Christ? If every Christian could reach one person a month via person to person communication, or email, or snailmail, the Kingdom of Jesus would grow. The Bibles uses terms like, the fields are full of flowers but no one is picking them. No one is gathering up the wheat. In real terms, this is talking about people who live out their lives in quiet desparation or sometimes in great times but lack any spiritual foundation. That foundation is Jesus Christ, the Creator God Savior of the entire world. Many missionaries today say that almost 2,000 people groups have been reached but there are hundreds more. My bet is the largest unreached group , though efforts have been made, is to that billion in the Muslim world!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Outreach to whom?

There has been recent comments by both Protestant and Catholic scholars, pastors and commentators that both wings of Christianity have to get together to deal with the rise of Islamofascism. Melanie Phillips book, 'Londonistan' is proof positive that we are not only in WW III but by 2050, experts know that Islam will be the religion of Europe. Odd is it not that when Christians, writers like Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh and many missionaries say that Muslims should become Christians, the world goes wild but when Islamos say everyone should become, Bush, the Pope, writers and reporters like Steve Centani, nothing is said. All are afraid of Islam. Yet we hear it is a religion of peace. That is a lie from the Pit of Hell . Anyone who believes that is simply not understanding history, the Koran or Madrassas type Islamic hate over the last 1,300 years. Most missionaries to Muslim nations are so brave and courageous that one wonders if it is all worth it. So few Muslims become Christians yet the 28th Chapter of Matthew says , the Gospel to all the world. I wish it were so. But, I fear that Revelation is more true today than 500 years ago. Islam may very well be the last Satanic enemy of the Church, the Judeo-Western world and America. Perhaps this is the End Times and Jesus is at the apex of history happening right here and now.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Religious views on the news

What an amazing thing again has happened. The Muslim world per usual went crazy over Pope Benedict's historical view that since the 7th Century, Islam has eerily been involved in war after war after war filled with violence and beheadings. Sound familiar? Then at the University of Virginia, a leftist student newspaper put a cartoon with Mary Mary of Jesus having a social disease. Can you imagine if they had printed those Danish cartoons of Mohammed? But, no Christians are burning buildings or beheading babies or plantind IED's. However, Muslims are raging against the Pope by burning him in effigy. I will bet within a week some Catholic buildings or people will be attacked. It is the Muslim way! Attacks on Christians are an every-day affair. We are the most un-PC group there is according to society so it is a free for all on Christians. If a politician is a Christian, he is blasted by Rosie on The View. But, if a Muslim wins a House seat as in Minnesota with Keith Ellison, boy is there hoorays all over the place and not one peep from the media that he is a militant!! No wonder so many Christians are waiting for Jesus' return.

Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 memory

Of all people, those of the Judeo-Christian persuasion should make sure they thank God that we have not been hit again by our thuggish enemy, the Islamofascists. We ought to thank God that George W. Bush has been our President this whole time since he has been the pillar of solidity against those who would have us give up the war, cut and run, surrender to the Islamofascists. If anyone doubts that we are in WWIII, I pray all Americans watched ABC's Pathway to 9/11. When people do not take seriously the threats of dictators, killers, ideologues and madmen, we in America are going to suffer. We never believed Hitler. We never believed Lenin, Trotsky or Stalin or even Mao. Yet they all hated American democracy, capitalism, freedom, liberty and we finally had to face them. For many years, we have ignored the hate and threats of the Islamofascists. There are people today in politics, religion, education who want to say this is just a law and order problem. No problem but our own foreign policy goals and our military and our President. Just love and talk to these Islamofascists and all will be well. What nonsense. The only way to get victory over these Islamofascists is to overcome them , kill them, win a long battle over decades over them. Sure, I would love all of these thugs to become Christians. That is not going to happen. Loving them will do nothing in defeating them. Like sin, evil and iniquity, the only way to defeat those 3 things is to stop them cold. God overcame evil, sin and iniquity with the sacrifice of Jesus. Too bad that the Islamofascists did not accept this and believe it. But, they did not. Now we are faced with evil that must be destroyed. Period. Christians will have to realize that this is a war for our very culture. Until they do, unity against these murderers will not happen.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Voting moral choices

In about two months, voters in America have an important set of choices as to how the nation should be led. Governors, state legislatures, House and US Senate races are very important even if many citizens laze around with Survivor, Fear Factor and of course, Monday Night Football. If one has a moral foundation from which one makes decisions, voters can vote for the party or candidates who most make decisions as the voter him or herself can make. So, let us compare agendas. If one is in the Judeo-Christian worldview as a voter, without naming the party or candidates, here are platforms from which to choose. One party is known for national security, one is known for diplomacy, the UN et al.. One party is pro-life, one party is known for a pro-abortion agenda. One party is for gay marriage, one party is not for that as a priority. One party is for capital punishment and gun rights, one party is against most gun rights and dead set against the death penalty. One party is unafraid of proclaiming religious rights, morality, the 10 Commandments and one party is more concerned with separation of church and state and no religious emphasis in our society. One party is for home schooling, charter schools, private religious education and one party is for government schools, the NEA union and no religious study in the schools at all. One party is anti-war, pacifistic and socialististic, one party is for the war against Islamofascism not only in Iraq but all round the world and is for pro-capitalist democracies. One party wants a strong military to protect the national security and one party is not sure a strong military gives the world the right view of America. One party is for, more or less, lower tax rates and tax cuts while one party more or less is for more tax funded government programs and no tax cuts except for the poorest of the poor. Generally speaking, these are fair accounts of what each party stands for. If you are generally in the Judeo-Christian Worldview as a voter, how will you vote in November??

Friday, September 01, 2006

Revival, renewal, war, conversion

Thinking about what I will teach about in college this Fall, and also in an Adult Sunday School class, one is struck with the overwhelming amount of material in the media about appeasement, WWIII, the End Days, Revival, Renewal, ways to defeat Islamofascism, global disasters and an ongoing attack against Christianity and now the Judeo-Christian worldview via Israel and the Middle East along with media hatred. Wow! I don't know if this is tongue in cheek or not but here goes. 1. I would love to see a real revival of the Christian church in America first, then round the world via the Biblical view not the secular view. 2. I would love to see renewal , that is Christian conversion of many hurting people around America, the Middle East, especially Muslim nations as well as so-called sophisticated liberal societies. 3. I would love to see Islamofascism completely destroyed not only by God but by His use of our military and others to give the people of the ME a new way to look at life as well as freedom and liberty. 4. I would love to see secular humanists, leftists of all stripes be brought to a view of Jesus and the Bible that would convert them to change all levels of life around the globe; education, culture, economics, government, et al. I await Jesus' Second Coming to really put this into effect. Yep, I do believe in His Coming again , if not by a Rapture scenario, but through His power to set up a Kingdom right here on Earth. And I know that the PC leftists hate this but what if I and 2,000 years of Christian theology are correct?! Would not eternal life be worth the changing of minds and motivations as well as actions? It would be hopeful for all people. After all, the alternative seems to be a world filled with Muslim hate, war, social and cultural divisions and hopelessness. As September starts, this agenda is really my prayer. Do you agree?