
Monday, February 27, 2006

Meeting the public for the Lord

Well, Feb. 26, was an interesting time for our small church in SoCal. People went out to parks, malls, corners and passed out materials, invites to our free April 1 Coffee Klatch and a comedian who is clean enough for all ages and not just the smarmy TV generation! It will be interesting to see just how many people will respond. The people going out liked the experience. There is an upcoming Street Faire put on by the local Chamber and we will have a booth there on May 6. Both pastors, including myself, have a TV program that is local and we hope somebody watches them on Wed. and Fri. eve. at 5:30PM. What is the point of all this? It is to present the Living God, Creator and Savior of humanity, Jesus Christ to anyone or whosoever will take a look at His claims. This is a different world. Our once white bedroom community is going to be Hispanic. We don't speak Spanish but many of the Hispanic sisters and brothers in our fellowship do. With secularism and Islamofacism rising into power all through the earth, one is able to see real differences between evil and good and yet so many citizens do not see that difference. We are hoping that getting a relationship with Jesus, will indeed provide that insight, that salvation, that love, faith, fun and fellowship for all who hear, listen, accept and live out what they know will change their lives!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Will the American public still listen to Jesus' call?

There is a story on newsmax.com as well as WorldnetDailey that Christianity is under a huge and vile attack in our Amercian culture. The values, love, person of Jesus is now fair game for any attack posing as an intellectual thrust against religion. Of course, that does not include inspection of Islam, but never mind that~! Next Sunday, our small church is going out to pass out tracts and meet some of the public that is not in church that Sunday. And in our town, nearly 80,000 are unchurched. Many are Hispanics, some illegal immigrants. The area, here in SoCal, used to be a bedroom community which was white middle-class. It is not now. Secularism, humanism, multiculturalism now rules much of what passes as American intellectuality. Will people still listen to the Gospel of Jesus? Other than growing communities where Calvary Chapels and other huge mega-churches reach out and have a direct line to evangelism via seeker-sensivite or very personal friendship home Bible studies, can small churches still be effective in spreading the Gospel today? The MSMedia and the Mainline churches seem both to be losing membership and their view of being strong and persuasive and confident as a Judeo-Christian worldview seems to be gone. So, can we be successful? Will prayer, hope, faith still carry the day? And I mean as a Bible-centered, Christ-centered, Spirit-believing fellowship? We shall see and I will report on the out come. In our view, God is still the King. In America, nowadays, there are many competing Kings for our affection.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


The TV program Lost is terriffic. But, it also seems that much of the media is also Lost as is the Left in this nation's elite areas. It seems that much of America is interested in American Idol but not in the 4th World War we are really in now against Islamofacism. Tom and Kate, JLo, Clooney, Brokeback and the newest fashions seem to take up much time in America's attention span.This is not an era like the 1920's though many play at life like it is. It is not the Roaring Twenties and it is not a time where our culutre can just play at life as it has for many years. I am awaiting the time when most of the Christian Church stands up to society , to the Hollywood Left, to the MSMedia, and says ETERNITY IS AT RISK FOR THOSE WHO LIVE LIFE IN A LOST AND TRIVIAL WAY. The very small church, which I have pastored for nearly 18 years and now have turned it over to my buddy, Don Waggoner to lead, still stands for Christian truth and believes that Americans need a Biblical, Christ-filled viewpoint and relationship with the Creator-God to not only live life to its fullest but to live life for eternity. Now, I love cultural stuff. Read, go to flicks, plays and know about that stuff. But, it is not as important to my life as the great serious issues of the day: war, crime, traditional marriage and historic values all Americans should still hold, good and evil and the ability to discern both, and just what the meaning of life is. What is your view on these issues/ Leave a note.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Bad news for humanity?

Every news report, show, Talk Radio discussion points today(Lincoln's celebration????), seems to be filled with bad news for America. Where is the common sense, religious sense, and rememberances of Lincoln's wisdom and wit for our times today? It seems to have disappeared in vile hate, anger and anti-God, anti-American diatribes all to undermine Western civilization. I am really tired of it all and blame the leftists in all levels of our society: culture, education, religion, politics, government, economics, and of course, the media. There is good news for our day. But, to listen , watch, and digest the news that we see, hear on a daily level, you would think that God is dead, democracy is dead, America is dead and our culture is dead. Even pastors on the Right, (and I am one of them) think that the End Times are here and want it to be! I guess times et al are bad but God is not dead, people are achieving great things in science, government, education, and in the church world. The media is even realizing that its 80% leftist dominance is losing ground. And that is good news.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A funeral and the death of moderate Islam

The King funeral was a shambles. All because Jimmy Carter,(the worst President of the last 50 years and speaker of untruths), black pastors and other Democrat bloviators could not resist making a good lady's memorial, a political event. President W. Bush, was the perfect gentleman. He always is. Perhaps that is why the same time this event was going on, and the Islamic outrage(instigated by Iran and other extremists) continued, the President just could not betray his manners and come out fiercely and denounce violence until today. Even that warning was couched in nice diplomatic lingo. I love the Prez because his Christianity seems more genuine than even the sainted Carter's who the MSM just loves and elevates. But, sometimes, that mannerly way W has gives mixed messages. Moderate Muslims will not be appeased by manners. They will have to blast the Islamofascists because they are ashamed of a betrayal of Islam. Or perhaps Islam is just not peace. That is up in the air. Iran is still out there. Manners will not solve that problem. Yes, the President was a Christian gentleman at the King funeral. But, his Christian manners will not solve the fanaticism of the Islamofascists in Iran. He may be force to strike with deadly force as he did in Afghanistan and Iraq. He then will have to see that so-called moderate Islam might not exist at all. Or at least the moderates just have given up trying to denounce the Wahabbi-Sharia-Fundies and will continue to slide into apathetic irrelevance as the violence continues. Then the President will be faced with the clash of civilizations and culture he dread, we all dread, but may have already been in over the last 20 years.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Super Bowl Religion??

We all know that this Sunday, the 5th, might as well be called Super. Churches may be filled anyway or the congregations may be preparing snacks and not even show up. When Katrina, Rita, the tsunamis hit in Asia, 9/11, churches filled up no matter the event that happened on a Sunday. But, Americans are now so multi------in all affairs, that church may just be a cafeteria choice! Many in society seem to be connected to the trivial in life. Eternity is not on their table of choices. Right living, actions, speech, kindness is filled with RAVES, MTV, "puddle cuddles" by our school youth, and the old '60's mantra, DRUGS-SEX-AND ROCKN'ROLL. Now, of course, polls show some 80% in the USA believe in God. What God is up to them. Of course, I will watch the game. Don't care about the resolution because my Eagles aren't in. But, I will go to church and pray I have the guts and courage to act as a Christian when I go to the after-church Super Bowl party. That is the point. Acting like a Christian no matter what event, person, or area in which we find ourselves. As a Christian, I pray God will fill me with His Spirit to act right, to speak right. In fact, as the dangers of our lives in America increases via jihadist terrorism, standing up as a real Christian is another way to stand up as a real American as far as acting and speaking goes. I pray all Americans , who are not religious, or who are of other faiths, will do the same thing since we all have these fanatics as our mutual enemies. If only secular-humanist-liberalism wasn't on the side of the Anti-Americanism in the world, wasn't on the side of the anti-Judeo-Christians in the world, we Americans would actually have a better chance of having a super day every day dispite the hate and threats that belabor us all!