Cash the check; don't be a miser.
Yesterday, Sun., a pastor at my church used a great example of not using God's blessings for good. In 1912, one Hetty Green died and left over a million dollars to no one! She ate cold oatmeal every day. She even let her son die because she would not send him to a hospital which she deemed too expensive for her! She died , cold, dark, alone and bitter. She could have cashed her checks and saved her son, helped others and given her money to charities. She did nothing. She was a miser. Many people are misers when it comes to their faith. If and only if they meet Jesus as Savior, many will never cash that check to get its full potential and benefit. They fear to change. They hold on to blessings instead of spreading them to others. They grow cold, dark and alone of heart. They are misers when sharing Christ if they ever do. They live as if they are still in the dark, still in the level of sin, death, defeat and depression. I understand such feelings, such fears but we must all remind each other that Jesus never held back. He was not a miser with his life, grace, salvation, love or sacrifice. It is time we stop being misers, cash the check and live to bless as we have been blessed by our good fortune in Christ!