
Saturday, October 29, 2005

Crimes? Part 2-Scooter?

Well, here we go. Libby is indicted. Yet no one can agree on the indictments , the causes, the reality of the CIA, Plame and the confirmed liar, Joe Wilson. And what does the New Republic have to do with all of this? Or the CIA out to get Bush? And the Fox news site has an article asking if the Religious Right is just too powerful today! What a crock? The Rel. Left has dominated electoral politics, the universities, the elite columns for nearly 60 years. Afte the Great War, it was the World and National Council of Churhes which dominated the political fray. A conservative church or spokesman were in stealth modes. No one could tell you who they were. Now Tom Browkow asks, Who are these Evangelicals?? As if they were a new species.It has only been since Ronaldus Magnus that the Rel. Right has come to fore. Now, they have awoken from a slumber as they have seen their heritage, the American heritage, morals, curriculum, and other policy agendas cornered by the Left. The MSM and even the alternative media should be asking, Who are these guys on the Rel. Left that we allowed to take over this nation? They ought to stop criminalizing policy differences, Right Wing influence, and stop listening to liars like Wilson, the elites in the Beltway, and find out if the CIA, the university campuses with Left PC influences are really healthy for this nation. It is not the Right which has undercut the CIA, our universities, our public schools, or any political agenda, American foreign policy. It is the Left. Ask what influence has the Rel. Left had on America. The MSM would be shocked to know just how unhealthy their influence has been. Frankly, the less of the Left in every part of our national life , the better off our citizens, students, church congregations and even political operatives would be!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I am sick to death of liberal Dems trying to criminalize politics and policy differences between philosophies of government, economics, social policy,religion, culture and many ethical positions. John Danforth, supposedly a moderate Pub, says Christians are too aggressive in the GOP. Delay is indicted because Ronnie Earle wants a scalp. Now, this Rove et al indictment wait and expectation. Yet, the Clintons escaped. So many Dems have been indicted over the years for fraud etc. but never for policy reasons. It is time to stop this type of indictment. It is killing political rationale.Philosophy of government should be decided at election time not by liberal judges or liberal prosecutors. Special prosecutors, who the Dems wanted stopped after Clinton's years, are now back in full force, only this time as the agent of Democrat revenge. What they cannot win at the ballot box, they try to win at courts, through judges who want scalps. We shall see if Rove is really indicted. We shall see if Christians do feel they should not join the GOP and want things electorally from the GOP. It seems that it is not criminal or immoral when gays, lesbians, illegal immigrants, jailed felons who want to vote via Democrat demands, abortion on demand proponents, the ACLU, anti-war socialists and communists who support Dem policies support the Democrat Party but it is when pro-war partisans, Christians of all stripes, and capitalists who like democracy support the Republican Party. I am sick of it and yet Republicans, Bush, even the alternative media which is pro-conservative doesn't seem to have the guts to stand up and say it. So what should I expect?????

Saturday, October 22, 2005

It's Sat. but Sun. is coming: right Tony?

The one thing I agree with as to Tony Campollo's views is his great sermon, It's Friday, but Sunday's Coming. This Easter sermon is a classic. Well, today is Sat. but Thank God , Sun. is coming. If one reads the Sat. papers, media outlets, listens to Talk Radio today, one is apt to think that bad news, the Anti-Christ, defeat, woe and wailing are the only things hitting America today. A Catholic publication, released the last few days and printed today in religion sections of papers, says that the Church does'nt take the Bible literally. Now one can understand that if one has a context. But, to many readers, this will nix the Biblical truths altogether. Then we have the glee of the MSM on the DeLay problems, the Frist problems and of course, the Meirs disaster and W's overall troubles. Then we see the falling test scores nationally for our pupils in reading. No one is reading nowadays and with so many illegals and other immigrant languages in our schools, it is a wonder our teachers can get anyone to read and write! Then we saw a mother in her 20's, kill her 3 kids by throwing them to the 'sharks' in SF Bay. She pleaded innocent! We , of course, have the ongoing murders of the Syrians, the Pals, the Islamofascists in Iraq and the horrors in Iran. One would think that the End Days are already here. But, tomorrow, Sun. is coming and will be here. Let us hope that sermons throughout the nation will give us encouragement in Jesus Christ as the only answer for eternity as well as domestic and relational peace in our battered globe. It will not be 'diversity', or 'multiculturalism', or an amalgamation of religions that will give us this peace, but the one true Creator God, Jesus Christ. Period.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Iraqui election is a win for all concerned except....

The Iraqui elections are a win for their 60% voter turnout, for Bush, for the USA, for fledgling ME democracy, for freedom. They are a loss to the Left, the DNC, Democrats and liberals in general, the Islamofascists, the MSM and this will make them even more dangerous in the next two election times here in the USA! Bush, Republicans, conservatives and even Evangelical Christians must lose because they are more evil than the terrorists. Now with this type of mentality, does it really stretch the immagination to realize that the Left will put our nation and any Judeo-Christian Western Civ. worldview into a death grip. They cannot be trusted and one wonders whether all realize that this too might be a spiritual battleground that Biblical prophecy might be commenting on. I am really wondering whether the Biblical God will step in here if this is the end of history scenario. Probably it is not and so we who are living through this horror must continue to realize that evil must be defeated by our arms, prayers, materiale, and will. This is a world calamity and when the Islamos get nukes, we then will have to preempt them by blowing them off the face of the earth! Now liberals shudder at this. This is why they hate Israel too. Israel will use preemption if Iran or any other Islamo state gets nukes. We should support them especially if our national will is lacking. It will come to this, I will bet my house.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Are the skies falling?

From AP new, The Post, The Times, and even Drudge's headlines, the skies are falling for America, Bush, the Courts, the economy. Everything looks like it is in freefall as far as positive results. Consumer confidence is failing. Yipe! Is there no good news for our citizens? Well, W's numbers aren't as bad as the MSM wants them to be. Our inflation rates are not quite as disastrous as people say. Jobs are coming back if slowly.Meirs is not the end of jurisprudence. Conservatives are not cracking up and either are Christians or Evangelical powerhouses. Just raise the name of Hillary Clinton, and they will be united in opposition as Dick Morris predicts. God's in His Heaven and all is not lost my friends. This too shall pass. I , of course, wish W were more of a conservative and more interested in saving us from an illegal immigrant invasion, securing our economy from wasteful spending but he has done what he promised in the war against Jihadism and Wahabism. Iraq is having an election. Nobody thought this would ever happen. Our troops love Bush and America not the Democrats and the anti-war idiots and they want to finish the job. All is not lost friends. Nothing pleases God but faith. All of us ,no matter our levels, should have more faith in our nation and its foundations. And trusting the Biblical God wouldn't hurt either!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Horrors nationally and internationally

Well, here we go again. Pakistan et al have suffered a horrid natural disaster. Along with Katrina, the Bali problem, Rita, now Pakistan, the earth is blasting nations without mercy or favor. We have had Tsunamis, hurricanes and the silly threat of global warming. We have a war on Islamofascist terrorism that is racking up death and destruction but that the USA is actually winning dispite the hatred of the MSM toward their own nation and President. Now, every religion we have on this globe seems to be asking , where is, was, will be our God in all this tripe, bile, hate, and destruction??? !!!!

Then too there is the question of how much money, aid and charity Americans, other foreigners, the UN, international agencies can come up with for these horrors. For me, I can see weariness in charities as these horrors pile up. The Prez promised 50 billion for help. My guess is that Americans are reeling with their own problems and enough is enough. Pakistan has aided the USA somewhat in this war but it could have done more to catch Osama. Still, W has done the neighborly thing. I wonder when the next raise in our taxes will come?!!After all, we have domesic debates going on right now about overspending. Americans will be asking again, does charity begin at home? And where does God come into all of this mess? How much blood can come out of one turnip, the American charity, taxpayer and compassion? The Bible says,never tire of doing good. Weariness is setting in. And that is just fact.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Godly hope in Meirs

OK, so Harriet is not Luttig, McConnell, or Brown. But, if her belief system is indeed evangelical Christian, and if she is the strict constructionist she and W say she is, the nomination is NOT A COMPLETE DISASTER. There is always the hope too, that Stevens and Ruth Bader will resign before 2008. If so, W could actually appoint two rightists with conservative moral ideologies which will really change the culture of SCOTUS. I will hold my powder, guns, bile until we hear more about Harriet. My guess is that the Libs will oppose her just because she is a Christian. If so, W has sandbagged the Dems again. My prayers are with her, Roberts and the other choices that W has made. He should have gone with rishk instead of safe but in reality, Harriet might be the hard case that conservatives have always wanted. If so, W will be a genius. If not, 2006-2008 will be a bloodbath for Pubs.