In my last post , myths was not spelled right.. It had something else. So did again and some other word I forget already. (I am almost 67 and memory is not what it used to be,LOL) I am typing this on a bed instead of a desk. The desk fell apart and being a technological idiot, I could not get it together again. Sort of like the Dumpty thing. After Jan. 8 , I am hoping to have my Cape May buddy, Harry come back and put it together. He did it right the first time, years ago. BTW, he would have agreed with all my rumminations except the religious suggestion. With the war on Christianity in 2005, people are even more wary of accepting Christ. It is sad, that. The government, courts, lobbying groups, the ACLU all seemed bent on destroying the foundations of our culture. In Sweden, even blue jeans today are sold blasting the holiness of Jesus and God's work in the world. Too bad, that. Sweden in the 1600's used to have a religious background with some of its kings who were warriors.Today, if one finds a born again Christian there, as in the rest of the EU areas, it is a miracle . Hopefully misspellings will not keep people from reading blogs, whether this one or others. Blogs in 2006 may be the only media we will be able to trust to get real news from real people and events. Not the conspiracies of the Leftist fever swamps.