Wake up or die!
Since 600 AD, the West has had to face Islam, Muslims, and now Islamofascism. So far, most of the world has not awakened to this threat. The Church worldwide doesn't get it either. It still cries for peace, where there is no peace. It actually seems to want to support the terrorists because they think pacifistic socialism is what the Bible teaches. It doesn't. Will the world wake up? Will some in America wake up? It looks to me that it will take a nuclear weapon or a bioterrorist weapon hitting the USA from one of these Islamofascist states ala terrorist groups (Hezbollah, Al Queda, Hamas, Al Aquasa) and spotlighting Iran and Syria. I wonder what will happen when the first American church is incinerated by terrorists? Will the NYTimes and many pastors cry for 'understanding, prayer for our enemies'?? I take this threat seriously. It is a spiritual war, a social-cultural war, a military, Propaganda war. It will be fought whether people try to isolate themselves, lock themselves up in secure communties, have prayer services to have interfaith cultural love ins. This is for real. I wonder if anyone will really wake up to it in America, in the church world, or in the world in general?