
Monday, July 31, 2006

Wake up or die!

Since 600 AD, the West has had to face Islam, Muslims, and now Islamofascism. So far, most of the world has not awakened to this threat. The Church worldwide doesn't get it either. It still cries for peace, where there is no peace. It actually seems to want to support the terrorists because they think pacifistic socialism is what the Bible teaches. It doesn't. Will the world wake up? Will some in America wake up? It looks to me that it will take a nuclear weapon or a bioterrorist weapon hitting the USA from one of these Islamofascist states ala terrorist groups (Hezbollah, Al Queda, Hamas, Al Aquasa) and spotlighting Iran and Syria. I wonder what will happen when the first American church is incinerated by terrorists? Will the NYTimes and many pastors cry for 'understanding, prayer for our enemies'?? I take this threat seriously. It is a spiritual war, a social-cultural war, a military, Propaganda war. It will be fought whether people try to isolate themselves, lock themselves up in secure communties, have prayer services to have interfaith cultural love ins. This is for real. I wonder if anyone will really wake up to it in America, in the church world, or in the world in general?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A foundation in a collapsing world

Just thinking a bit about the horrors of the Islamofascists murdering more Muslims then so called infidels. Thinking of the ME mess. Thinking of the invasion of illegal immigrants. Thinking of gangs overflowing now more than Los Angeles and the murder rate in some larger US cities. Thinking of oil companies making billions but enviro nuts and Congressional liberal not allowing the USA to drill its own oil and build nuclear plants making the USA self-sufficient. Then too I was thinking about how sad, displaced, disillusioned people are all over the globe without any inner foundation, satisfaction, joy, completeness and philosophy of life which was unifying them. No matter the hatred, sadness, pain, war, welfare cheats, horrid education scores, the Bible says that Jesus Christ, the Creator-God-Saviour of the Universe in that one and only foundation who can solidfy one's life. Period. Not Allah, not Christian Science, not Hinduism or Buddhism. Nope. Just the Biblical God. Not very tolerant but true and fulfilling. How to get this truth to all those blue, or violent, or disillusioned people is still the largest question Christians face in this disintegrating world. Only by acting as a single person or with like minded people will the answer be found. Slothfulness is one of the deadly sins. It will not work in this fast shattering world.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Friends and church people probably are wondering if this ME chaos is the prophetic end of life and the scenario where Jerusalem becomes the focal point of the World End with Jesus Christ returning. Well, only God knows and the prophecy preachers on TV are probably selling more books and gaining membership or at least more attenders because of these perilous times. I will take a look from two points here: first, prophetically. One is always told to read Daniel, Ezekiel, and some minor prophets like Joel to see the time-line. Then, of course, Jesus talks about the end times in Matthew and Luke. Thessalonians takes up some points. Jude takes up some points. But, it is Revelation where prophetic teachers go and take up the scenario. OK, start there and go to the point where only the Lord will put this into effect if and only if that is the correct reading and exigesis of Scripture. A second Point: is history(which I believe God controls) looks to WWI, Palestine in the '30's, WWII, 1948, 1955-6, 1967, 1973 and on the years go with the Islamofascists never recognizing the state of Israel. And here we are today. Not being one who just sits back and watches scenario play out, I favor Israel taking out Hamas, Hezballoh, Iran and Syria. I favor the USA doing the same. Prophetically, many say, there will be a treaty promising Israel freedom and safety and that a master Ruler of the World , the Anti-Christ will break that treaty and God will end his reign and start up an earthly reign of His own. Till that happens, I want to see the USA, Israel and defenders of the Judeo-Christian world-view defend our culture and never stop attacking the Islamofascists. After all, people do read prophecy wrong sometime!!!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

On-going moral problems

We American Christians know through the Bible's perspective that we face moral choices each day, each hour and we will for the rest of our lives. Yet the media, some churches, some government spokespeople think that the ME, stem cells, illegal immigration, civil rights, minimum wages, are all new moral questions. They are not. Haven't been for nearly 60 years. The fact that few Americans see rightly about the on-going evil of personal and national sin is very disconcerting since we think, write, believe that somehow America is a moral nation. And it is on some questions. Still, when we hear nothing about personal responsibility, about God's warning against unreformed sinful natures, about the necessity of undergoing transformation from the grace-love-and blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ we Americans risk depression and loss without understanding the cause of those feelings and perspectives. The fact is, more and more churches are failing to teach the good news and the bad news of the Gospel of Jesus. Oh, we get alot about love and claiming God's blessings, but not much on repentance, service, trusting and obeying Jesus' Word and surely not much about the ongoing problem of internal personal sin as well as international sin. Fortunately, there are some brave preachers, teachers, organizations, churches, and even media bloggers who present the Full Gospel and the consequences of accepting it personally and then how to live out one's life on a daily level. Even dealing with questions of good and evil nationally and internationally. Just cocooning oneself in a Bless-me club will not help kids to learn how to face daily evil. Yes, kids need to be taught and I am convinced that many , many adults really need to be made aware of the reality of good and evil and how to deal with it by cooperating with the Lord God , Jesus Christ more than ever!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Middle East morality?

Every time I read a liberal calling the ME crisis a cycle of violence, I cringe. Since 1948, Islamofascists have been trying to expunge Israel from the ME map. On and on it goes with the Left all over the globe calling on Israel to show restraint but nothing is said against the Pals, jihadists, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran or Syria. And it is these thugs who are the real villains in the ME. They not only want to kill Israelis but Americans and other Westerners who oppose Islamofascism. Meanwhile, the Left in the Dem. Party and in the media continues to see moral equivalence between the Muslim terrorists and the counter measures of Israel. This is inane, silly and factually wrong. Then there is the question of right and wrong. The fact is evil nations, groups like N.Korea, Iran, Syria and every type of Islamofascist are wrong in this world. Theologically, does God love all these people? Yes, but so what? These people are God's enemies as well as the Judeo-Christian Western World and Israel. None of these people are going to convert to Christianity by wishing for it and hoping God will intervene. God used America in WWII and will use us again, if we follow His will along with any other Western nation plus Israel to face down these evil-doers. That is how God intervenes and has intervened. He doesn't do it by magic or in some wussy pacifistic nonsense rhetoric. All through history, God has dealt with evil by killing it using His people to do so. When Jesus sets up his Millenial Rule, Biblically speaking and prayerfull He will do so soon, then we will have peace. But, not before. Not with the UN or the EU or peace treaties. Not with these Islamofascists or the Chi-Coms or N. Korea. Unfortunately, it will be the will, the backbone, the military strength of the free nations which will have to deal with these evil-doers. I wish it were different. But, I do not romanticize the idea that the Lion will live with the Lamb until Jesus Christ the God of the Universe sets that course. And surely, not before.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Was it Amish terror today in India?????

Have you been surprised that the Left and the MSMedia in this nation continue to call Islamofascist terrorists, just 'insurgents, terrorists, civil war opponents'. Never do they use the term, Islamofascist terrorist. After all in India today, it was not the Amish, Methodists, Hindus, or the National Inquirer who blew up trains and killed over a hundred innocent people. The PC crowd in this nation, including churches, media, government officials-even the President, better start using the real term, Islamofascist terrorist. We should be profiling these people in the mosques right here in America. We should be using the term in the media, on Talk Radio, on the Net and in everyday conversation. These are the enemies of the West, America, capitalism, democracy, and the Judeo-Christian worldview. Period. These are not Amish terrorists. They are Muslims . Most terrorism in the entire world is Muslim. Muslim, Muslim, not Presybterian! Muslims in America should be asked to condemn all Islamofascist terrorism. No more excuses. Muslims are the people who are terrorists in great numbers. They sympathize with the terrorists. Polls in the ME and Indonesia and Africa show this. They are not in love with Western democracy. These Muslims are in fact aiding the Al Queda terrorists who are Muslims too. Muslims. Get it???

Friday, July 07, 2006

The continuing war against Christianity

The N. Koreans have a law that Christian conversion is illegal. So does Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other Islamofascist states. Nice , tolerant societies , huh? The courts in this nation are deciding whether a cross in San Diego should be torn down though it was put up to remind people of the sacrifices of our military in years gone by. Liberal churches deny the historic understanding of marriage. Some of these loony churches deny that Jesus is the only way for salvation and yet still call themselves Christian. Some of these left denominations want to punish Israel but want to prop up the Palestinian jihadists, Iranians, and other types of militant Islamists. And they call themselves , Christians. The Democrat Party under Howard Dean, another loon, calls for more religion in its party but doesn't want real Christians because they fear they will stand up for Christ! Now that is a weird one , even for Howard. After all, we all know that the Founders never wanted religion to play a part in our nation's development. NOT. And with the hateful N.Koreans deciding to send its rockets to who knows where, I will bet some of these faux Christians will ask America not to react and after all, in the minds of these nuts, America is to blame anyhow. And , right wing conservative Evangelicals are probably the cause of the entire world's problems. Yes , my friends the Left has decided that America, Christianity, and conservatives are the real reason why the entire world hates us. It, of course, has nothing to do with the evil that the Trio of blaggards exhibit. Of course not.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

No moral foundations equals crisis mentality.

The 4th was a great holiday to show how , why, God helped create the USA as a city set on a hill to produce freedom under the Creator! But, after the Korean outburst, the Larry King show with Mdm. Albright of the Clinton era blaming Bush instead of Carter-Clinton, (who really gave them free nuke technology, oil, food to appease the Korean thugs.), the Space Shuttle, the media cries were GLOBAL CRISES HIT THE WORLD. For heaven's sakes, crises go on each day, each minute for many people, probably 6 billion of them. No one seems to think that any moral foundation as in the Judeo-Christian theology will give people some balance. Well, no one in the media, that is. Facts are uncomfortable things, inconvenient and inane for ideologues of the Left. They think that if they get people all revved up in fear, confusion, that the USA will take another big hit and especially the current Administration who is handling many such crises all at once. Leadership counts but you would not know it if you looked at the media every day. No, the world is ending and no one or no idea , (except those of the Left of course) can save humanity. God is never mentioned in these solutions. But, some people in America know that it is the balance of God which helps them face crises every day. Now, if only the Leftist media would figure that out!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Freedom is not license

If we read the Bible, if we know the history of the USA via the 4th of July, Independence, the Bill of Rights, we know that real freedom is never an opportunity to either sinful, economic, political, social, personal, cultural license. Or it should not be. The continuing saga of the NYTimes, the liberal Dem Party , Jimmy Carter, leftist media outlets to uncover America's secret ways to defeat Islamofascism goes on and sadly on. Here we are near our holiday celebrating liberty, the Founders, our military who helped give us independence and we still have near-traitors blaming America for all things evil that go on around the world. Personally, I am sick and tired of the leftist attempts to undermine America and its institutions because they hate Bush, our military, our traditions, our history, our culture. My guess is some others are too. A Zogby Poll today says only 48% think the 4th of July is about American independence from the British in 1776. What historical ignorance! No wonder that the Leftists have so much impact distorting our freedoms, our culture and our necessary war against Islamofascism. We have a public grouping that is ignorant of what being an American means as well as the facts surrounding not only the goodness of our ways but the truths why our people must wage a war that will go on for generations against an enemy which is as dangerous as Fascism, Communism and totalitarian enemies were. Prayers are needed for our military for they are the major reason that we have our freedoms. There is too a belief that people have had since Gov. Bradford in the late 1600's, to Reagan to Bush and that is that America under God is a beacon of freedom , a light on a hill to show the world what freedom and liberty are. If we do not persevere, that light might go out with some politicians and media outlets being causes without even knowing it. Or , perhaps sadly, they do know it.